Catherine Deyvz "planted a pig"
Catherine Deyvz from the UK was "a pig in a poke" or rather not the cat and pig. Kid-pig for a few years in vymahal huge boar.
On the fiftieth anniversary Catherine Deyvz decided to indulge yourself and make a small pet - pig.
Little pigs ideal pets. Some people believe that a pig mud everywhere find, but it is not. In fact, pigs are very clean, and besides, easily trained. Further, even a tiny piglets. Usually do not grow more than 35 inches tall and weigh about 30 kg.
Catherine laid out $ 850 for a small pig Dudley.
Can you imagine the shock hostess when this svinyushka grown into a huge boar.
"We thought that Dudley had grown up when he reached the coffee table. But he suddenly has continued to grow, "- says 52-year-old Katherine Deyvz. - Now he has me by the belt ".
"Maybe Dudley and a large pig, but he's a member of our family. We do not trade it for anything in the world ", - says the hostess.

On the fiftieth anniversary Catherine Deyvz decided to indulge yourself and make a small pet - pig.

Little pigs ideal pets. Some people believe that a pig mud everywhere find, but it is not. In fact, pigs are very clean, and besides, easily trained. Further, even a tiny piglets. Usually do not grow more than 35 inches tall and weigh about 30 kg.

Catherine laid out $ 850 for a small pig Dudley.

Can you imagine the shock hostess when this svinyushka grown into a huge boar.

"We thought that Dudley had grown up when he reached the coffee table. But he suddenly has continued to grow, "- says 52-year-old Katherine Deyvz. - Now he has me by the belt ".

"Maybe Dudley and a large pig, but he's a member of our family. We do not trade it for anything in the world ", - says the hostess.