Funny monsters Serriteno Alberto (Alberto Cerriteno)
Alberto lived and was born in Mexico and now moved to the US, where happily lives in Portland. His works are clearly visible features Mexican folk fine arts, and it is only a plus.
Serriteno Alberto (Alberto Cerriteno) - artist and designer with his own style, in which the finely woven ethnic features, a traditional Mexican folk, deep textures and decorative patterns. Another characteristic of his native supplies coffee is the presence of all the palette in various shades. Alberto has long recognized artist and takes part not only in the traditional exhibition, but also in various art projects around the world. The selection you will see not only announced monsters, but also some more interesting characters.
Serriteno Alberto (Alberto Cerriteno) - artist and designer with his own style, in which the finely woven ethnic features, a traditional Mexican folk, deep textures and decorative patterns. Another characteristic of his native supplies coffee is the presence of all the palette in various shades. Alberto has long recognized artist and takes part not only in the traditional exhibition, but also in various art projects around the world. The selection you will see not only announced monsters, but also some more interesting characters.
Chandeliers packages juice Ed Chu (Ed Chew)
Flowers - Model disassembly by Fong Qi Wei (Fong Qi Wei)