Cheerful steampunk Hallё from Stefan (Stephane Halleux)
Belgian author of these sculptures long been popular in the world of steampunk fans, thanks to his unique style and original humor. Looking at his work, hardly anyone will say that they are not really funny.
Throughout his life, except for the time of education of the artist, Stefan Hallё (Stephane Halleux) lives in a small village near the capital. Although, as he jokes Stephen, Belgium is so small that there is any resident could confidently say: "I live not far from Brussels." At the very beginning of his career, our hero has worked as an animator in a studio Luxembourg, and in his spare time drawing cartoons and caricatures. Unfortunately, the time to create sculptures lacked. As a result, Stefan threw animation and began working in an antique shop. Where and created his second sculpture. Why second? Because it was his first thesis in art school.
Throughout his life, except for the time of education of the artist, Stefan Hallё (Stephane Halleux) lives in a small village near the capital. Although, as he jokes Stephen, Belgium is so small that there is any resident could confidently say: "I live not far from Brussels." At the very beginning of his career, our hero has worked as an animator in a studio Luxembourg, and in his spare time drawing cartoons and caricatures. Unfortunately, the time to create sculptures lacked. As a result, Stefan threw animation and began working in an antique shop. Where and created his second sculpture. Why second? Because it was his first thesis in art school.