Cartoon skeletons Lee Hyun Ko (Hyungkoo Lee)
South Korean sculptor and painter Lee Hyun Ko (Hyungkoo Lee) created a very unusual series of sculptures titled «Homo Animatus», which recreated the skeletons of cartoon characters of all time.
To create a sculpture master used resin, aluminum sticks, steel wire, springs and oil paint. If you look closely, you can see it is all of us familiar with the childhood favorite characters from cartoons. What idea was founded by sculptor Lee Hyun Ko (Hyungkoo Lee) in his series, we are uniquely difficult to say. Is it the sadness of a bygone childhood, or a sign that things are not forever. Let everyone choose his own motive.
To create a sculpture master used resin, aluminum sticks, steel wire, springs and oil paint. If you look closely, you can see it is all of us familiar with the childhood favorite characters from cartoons. What idea was founded by sculptor Lee Hyun Ko (Hyungkoo Lee) in his series, we are uniquely difficult to say. Is it the sadness of a bygone childhood, or a sign that things are not forever. Let everyone choose his own motive.