Unusual and rare clouds Mammatus Undulatus asperatus
There are several different types of clouds, which have a characteristic shape and even their definitions. And most importantly, all of these species is under a scientific substantiation of the causes.
Today we tell about the two kinds of clouds - Mammatus and Undulatus asperatus. Mammatus clouds - one of the rare types of clouds. The name they got for the characteristic shape. Vymyaobraznye cloud usually painted in gray-blue color, but sunlight can change the palette. The appearance of such a beautiful "pictures" in the sky does not bode well: the formation of clouds vymyaobraznyh evidence of an impending hurricane or tropical cyclone.
Undulatus asperatus (lat. Undulating hilly; and asperatus, asperatus) - a rare type of cloud, having unusual and awesome view. In 2009, he was proposed for inclusion in the general classification of clouds as a separate species. It is assumed that the clouds began to appear relatively frequently in the beginning of XXI century, or even that it is a new type of cloud. Despite the menacing look, clouds asperatus not accompanied by a hurricane or storm. In 2013 asperatus remains little known type of clouds.
Today we tell about the two kinds of clouds - Mammatus and Undulatus asperatus. Mammatus clouds - one of the rare types of clouds. The name they got for the characteristic shape. Vymyaobraznye cloud usually painted in gray-blue color, but sunlight can change the palette. The appearance of such a beautiful "pictures" in the sky does not bode well: the formation of clouds vymyaobraznyh evidence of an impending hurricane or tropical cyclone.

Undulatus asperatus (lat. Undulating hilly; and asperatus, asperatus) - a rare type of cloud, having unusual and awesome view. In 2009, he was proposed for inclusion in the general classification of clouds as a separate species. It is assumed that the clouds began to appear relatively frequently in the beginning of XXI century, or even that it is a new type of cloud. Despite the menacing look, clouds asperatus not accompanied by a hurricane or storm. In 2013 asperatus remains little known type of clouds.

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