Twiggy - protein waterskiing
The most famous of the protein in the world - Twiggy, who knows how to water ski, do not get tired to show their skills. Although many claim otherwise. The ability to keep on skiing, Twiggy taught her mistress.
Mistress of Animals states that this skill has been achieved in 15 years of enhanced training. In this case, experts say that in captivity proteins live an average of ten years. According to the spectators, Twiggy or survivor and well preserved for its age or trainer admits that this is not the first generation protein-athletes who participate in the presentation.
Mistress of Animals states that this skill has been achieved in 15 years of enhanced training. In this case, experts say that in captivity proteins live an average of ten years. According to the spectators, Twiggy or survivor and well preserved for its age or trainer admits that this is not the first generation protein-athletes who participate in the presentation.