Habits that kill productivity:
Our daily lives are filled with conscious and subconscious habits, incompatible with high productivity. Here are some of them:
• you consume too much unnecessary information.
Try to reduce the mailing list to a minimum. Your mail is not rubber, as well as your time, so whether or not to hold them with unnecessary information? Do not be afraid to miss anything important. If there are some really interesting news, in any case you will learn about them from other sources.
• Do you allow others to control your life.
Steve Jobs said: "Your time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else's life." You are the master of his own life, and no one but you have no right to manage it. If you constantly try to please anyone, you will not budge an inch. Of course, sometimes it is necessary to listen to the advice of others, but we must be able to ignore those who try to manipulate you.
• You have to reinvent the wheel.
Before you start working on the next project, give yourself a promise to be easier. Not wise and not nadumyvayte where it is not needed. Remember that all ingenious is simple and often the best solution already invented to you.
• You are trying to be perfect.
Striving for perfection is commendable, but sometimes it takes too much time and energy, while not bringing the expected results. What are you did not work, we must be able to stop in time and step over to the next stage.
• You set yourself too many tasks at once.
Do not grab a few things at once. If you wish to remain satisfied with the results, you will have to invest in his achievement all the strength, all the energy and all the attention. Staying focused on one thing, you will quickly reach the desired.
• You are always late.
Stop wasting other people's time. Delays you spoil your reputation zarekomendovyvaya like a man who does not respect the interests of others. After coming to the meeting after the appointed time, you demonstrate that you are all the same to the person who spent their precious minutes waiting for you.
• Do you think that more is better.
However, in most cases the quality of the number of wins. For example, it is better to have fewer customers, but did not doubt their reliability. Or is it better to have fewer skills, but to be in them a true professional. Focus your attention on the things that bring you the greatest benefit.