5 facts about the Great Patriotic War

These materials do not claim to ultimate truth, because in the history of the war are still many unexplored. But take another look at it make it possible to even some of the figures.
1. 18 years in the Soviet Union celebrated the Victory Day. Since 1947, this festival has long celebrated and actually is a working day. For the first time has been widely celebrated in the Soviet Union only after almost two decades - the anniversary in 1965. Then Victory Day has once again become inoperative.
Canceled the holiday, some historians have attributed to the fact that the Soviet regime was afraid of pretty independent and active veterans. Officially, it was ordered to forget about the war, all the forces to quit the restoration of war-shattered economy.
2. Within 10 years of the Victory Day Soviet Union formally in a state of war with Germany. What happened was that, accepted the surrender of the German command, the Soviet Union decided not to sign peace with Germany, and thus stayed with her in a state of war. Only January 25, 1955 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On the termination of the state of war between the Soviet Union and Germany", thus legalize the end of hostilities.
3. 80 thousand Soviet officers during the Great Patriotic War were women. In general, at the front in different periods in arms fought from 600 thousand to 1 million of the fairer sex. For the first time in world history in the Armed Forces were female military units. In particular, female volunteers was formed three air regiments: the 46th Guards Night Bomber (warriors of this division the Germans called "Night Witches"), the 125th Guards Bomber, 586 th Fighter Regiment Air Defence. They also created a separate women's volunteer infantry brigade and a separate women's spare rifle regiment. Women snipers preparing Central female school shooters. In addition, it created a separate company of female sailors. It should be noted that the weaker sex fought successfully. So, the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" in the Great Patriotic War have received 87 women.
4. More than 400 people made a feat similar to "Matrosov." The first person to go on recess, became the youngest political officer of a tank company Alexander Pankratov. August 24, 1941 in the battle for the defense of Novgorod Pankratov closed an enemy machine gun, which allowed the Red Army to take a foothold without loss. In general, to "hyped" Alexander Matrosov similar feat has committed 58.
5. 334 settlements in Ukraine have been burned by German Nazis, along with all its inhabitants. The largest town, destroyed by the invaders, became Koryukovka Chernihiv region. During the two days of the 1,300 houses were burned down in 1290, killed and burned - 7000 residents of the town.