Facts about different

1. Insect repellents do not repel mosquitoes - they hide you. Substances contained in repellents, block the receptors through which mosquitoes find their prey.
2. Dentists recommend keeping a toothbrush at a distance of not less than two meters from the toilet.
3. In the dream, you burn more calories than you while watching TV.
4. The first item with a bar code was chewing gum Wrigley`s.
5. Wingspan 747 more than the distance of the first flight of the Wright brothers.
6. Wake up in the morning apples help better than coffee.
7. The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aiguillettes.
8. Most dust particles in your house - it desquamation of the skin.
9. The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
10. Michael Jordan received from Nike more money than all the workers in the factories of the company in Malaysia.
11. Marilyn Monroe on her feet had six fingers.
12. All US presidents wore glasses. Just some disliked display them in public.
13. Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice.
14. Pearls dissolve in vinegar.
15. Among the people that publish marriage ads, 35 percent are married already.
16. Three of the most expensive brand names on earth - is Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order.
17. A cow can be forced to climb the stairs, but you can not get down.
18. Duck quack does not echo, no one knows why.
19. The reason the US fire brigade ladders have screw refers to a time when the gravity pumps and other raised horses. Horses crowded at the bottom, unable to figure out how to climb the stairs with straight spans.
20. Richard Nixon (Richard Millhouse Nixon) was the first president of the United States, in the name of which contained all the letters of the word «criminal» (criminal). The second was Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Clinton).
21. 90 percent of New York's taxi drivers - immigrants.
22. The lighter was invented before matches.
23. The chance to live up to 116 years is one of the two million people.
24. The building of the main library at Indiana University annually gives a drawdown of an inch, so that the construction engineers failed to take into account the weight of the books contained in it.
25. Crocodiles can not stick your tongue.