We have language author
Article from the newspaper about the Trans-Baikal working language of bastards.
Very zabavanaya. Especially the last paragraph.
We have language author! That's really what linguists did not foresee, so it is that in the beginning of the century suddenly appears completely new language. And, even more so, no one could have known that it will work first, and then "come out into the street" (with jargon because the opposite is true). Yes, if expected, anyway, we have not been able to do: newspeak, born on the web at the beginning of 2000, like a virus, spread with extraordinary speed and obsessed minds of thousands and thousands. So what if one day your appearance will comment on phrases like "cool" or "atststoy" - do not be surprised. "Albanian" or "the language of bastards" was launched, as we have said, on the Internet. What, ask him "highlight & quot ;? And the fact that he unleashes all uneducated or even illiterate people. Now, their low knowledge of the Russian language does not just do not notice, but some are even considered chic. In short, Ellochek Lyudoedok put on stream, "Ha ha, kid" and that's it ... Author Language considered Petersburger Dmitry Sokolovsky alias boa. He began to write for the site fuck.ru, and then make your own - udaff.com. It publishes texts in the spirit of "the dirtier the better." The essence of the existence of the virtual "bastards", the people who come up and enter into use new slang, reduced to writing, reading and discussion of creativity. Writer, or "author" in their dialect, the Internet pours his thoughts on various topics (political, philosophical or personal). The audience after reading organizes public discussion written. The highest score sounds like "the author is cool! Pesshi ischo! ". The opposite assessment - "subject is not disclosed," but because the author gets "nezachOt" and sent material "this sucks". With the "language of bastards" now familiar to anyone who has ever According to the "Dictionary of bastards" we walked by fire and sword of censorship. To be honest, until he left him quite a bit. Author - author of the text. Hellish - good, strong. Author zhzhosh - oh, the creator! Oh, the creator! You - Prometheus our day! Author Pesci ischo - I would like to learn more about your creativity. DRINK author Yadu - your literary talent in need of substantial improvement. BAYAN - the main aspects of your work were repeatedly disclosed by other authors. Go to Beavertown, you animal! - Exclamation designed to convey to the person to whom it is addressed, all his moral, moral, aesthetic and intellectual inconsistency. VATETADA - surprise. In Gazenvagen - the gas chamber. Dissatisfaction with the author and or his article. Glamorous (Eng. Glamour - charmingly) - beautiful, elegant. GATICHNO - well, unusual. Cool! - See. "Pesci ischo author." KOTTOSTROFFA - a terrible, desperate situation. KRIATIFF - text that comment. KISAKUKU! You're what Horad - excessive emotionality produces in you a potential victim of ridicule. MNOGABUKAFF - text too long to read and understand - difficult. Often used in conjunction with niasilil. You suck! - An expression evaluation, the other cool. PATSTULOM - reader fell off his chair laughing. PLAKAL! - (Syn. Rydal) - commentator crying with laughter while reading text. Prutstsa - from something enjoy. LOL - text commentator seemed very funny. UBEYSIBYAAPSTENU - extreme degree of discontent caused by the text. This sucks! - A very low estimate of the work. FUPAZOR - see. This sucks!
May not understand
tvaya They say, in slang, you can see how the changing generation. Take any offer plain and reload it into the language of young people over the years. The phrase: "My parents went to the cottage, so my friends and arrange a party at home." Our parents would say, "The ancestors rushed to the garden, so we get a hut dudes dance." We (those who are now 20 or so) said: "rodaki piled on the hacienda, so we Kent muddied cool dance." Well, absolutely modern youth (those who do not have today, and 18), "Mather-phaser pushed off to the cottage, we outline the real chelas otvyaznyh party." The difference between "then" and "now" can not be overlooked. One thing remains unchanged: the basis of slang - expression and shocking.
Elena Afonina
Maria Mashanova
Transbaikal Worker
Very zabavanaya. Especially the last paragraph.
We have language author! That's really what linguists did not foresee, so it is that in the beginning of the century suddenly appears completely new language. And, even more so, no one could have known that it will work first, and then "come out into the street" (with jargon because the opposite is true). Yes, if expected, anyway, we have not been able to do: newspeak, born on the web at the beginning of 2000, like a virus, spread with extraordinary speed and obsessed minds of thousands and thousands. So what if one day your appearance will comment on phrases like "cool" or "atststoy" - do not be surprised. "Albanian" or "the language of bastards" was launched, as we have said, on the Internet. What, ask him "highlight & quot ;? And the fact that he unleashes all uneducated or even illiterate people. Now, their low knowledge of the Russian language does not just do not notice, but some are even considered chic. In short, Ellochek Lyudoedok put on stream, "Ha ha, kid" and that's it ... Author Language considered Petersburger Dmitry Sokolovsky alias boa. He began to write for the site fuck.ru, and then make your own - udaff.com. It publishes texts in the spirit of "the dirtier the better." The essence of the existence of the virtual "bastards", the people who come up and enter into use new slang, reduced to writing, reading and discussion of creativity. Writer, or "author" in their dialect, the Internet pours his thoughts on various topics (political, philosophical or personal). The audience after reading organizes public discussion written. The highest score sounds like "the author is cool! Pesshi ischo! ". The opposite assessment - "subject is not disclosed," but because the author gets "nezachOt" and sent material "this sucks". With the "language of bastards" now familiar to anyone who has ever According to the "Dictionary of bastards" we walked by fire and sword of censorship. To be honest, until he left him quite a bit. Author - author of the text. Hellish - good, strong. Author zhzhosh - oh, the creator! Oh, the creator! You - Prometheus our day! Author Pesci ischo - I would like to learn more about your creativity. DRINK author Yadu - your literary talent in need of substantial improvement. BAYAN - the main aspects of your work were repeatedly disclosed by other authors. Go to Beavertown, you animal! - Exclamation designed to convey to the person to whom it is addressed, all his moral, moral, aesthetic and intellectual inconsistency. VATETADA - surprise. In Gazenvagen - the gas chamber. Dissatisfaction with the author and or his article. Glamorous (Eng. Glamour - charmingly) - beautiful, elegant. GATICHNO - well, unusual. Cool! - See. "Pesci ischo author." KOTTOSTROFFA - a terrible, desperate situation. KRIATIFF - text that comment. KISAKUKU! You're what Horad - excessive emotionality produces in you a potential victim of ridicule. MNOGABUKAFF - text too long to read and understand - difficult. Often used in conjunction with niasilil. You suck! - An expression evaluation, the other cool. PATSTULOM - reader fell off his chair laughing. PLAKAL! - (Syn. Rydal) - commentator crying with laughter while reading text. Prutstsa - from something enjoy. LOL - text commentator seemed very funny. UBEYSIBYAAPSTENU - extreme degree of discontent caused by the text. This sucks! - A very low estimate of the work. FUPAZOR - see. This sucks!
May not understand
tvaya They say, in slang, you can see how the changing generation. Take any offer plain and reload it into the language of young people over the years. The phrase: "My parents went to the cottage, so my friends and arrange a party at home." Our parents would say, "The ancestors rushed to the garden, so we get a hut dudes dance." We (those who are now 20 or so) said: "rodaki piled on the hacienda, so we Kent muddied cool dance." Well, absolutely modern youth (those who do not have today, and 18), "Mather-phaser pushed off to the cottage, we outline the real chelas otvyaznyh party." The difference between "then" and "now" can not be overlooked. One thing remains unchanged: the basis of slang - expression and shocking.
Elena Afonina
Maria Mashanova
Transbaikal Worker
The most tragic moment of the Olympics. Slutskaya Fall
Athletes Swiss bobsleigh four helmets painted their faces