Festival of Ballooning

Tenth International Festival of Ballooning started today on a large airfield near the French city of Chamblee (Lorraine region). Here, to the east of the country, all over the world have gathered numerous crews and pilots balloons, hot air balloon, and various motor aircrafts from 70 countries on five continents. According to organizers of the festival of aeronautics, participate in competitions and Russian representatives.
The total number of participants in this prestigious festival balloon reaches thousands of people. The number of viewers may exceed 400,000. Within eight days of the meeting in Chamblee, participants will attempt to set a new world record for simultaneous take-off of more than 400 balloons arranged in two lines. The previous record was registered here. Competition balls and place on a hot air balloon Cup New Century. Will be colorful hot air balloon parades and parades the most unusual forms. Among them - and the aircraft in the form of a huge cake that is popular Festival of Ballooning will celebrate its 10th anniversary.