!! Living Stones !!
National Reserve "Valley of Death" - the hottest place on Earth. For temperature up to 50 degrees Celsius was held here in 1917, 43 days ...
Stones are moving slowly, sometimes zigzag, breaking dozens of meters of the way, leaving clearly visible traces in the sandy ground ...
They do not roll, do not rotate, and crawl on the surface, as if someone invisible is pulling them away ...
Restless movements boulders repeatedly tried to secure experts, but to no avail - the people did not manage to catch the boulders at the time of travel ...
However, observers should move slightly to the side, away from the objects of his observations as they begin to move - sometimes up to half an hour ...
According to surveys, begun in 1950 and performed by conventional methods, maps of several troughs, but no one ever does not constitute a general plan of the entire network trace of movement. Post-graduate student at New York University, Paula Messina, visiting for the first time this place in 1993, decided to make the first complete map of the base troughs Racetrack. She took advantage of modern technology - GPS and GIS.
During the 10 days of field work with his partner Paula Phil Stoffer passed 100 kilometers. Each of the 162 boulders and trace their movements were photographed and filmed their coordinates.
Overall analysis showed that the nature of the next move is determined by the surrounding terrain and it is due to air currents, not the properties themselves stones ...
However, as long as someone does not personally see as slide rocks, this phenomenon is still shrouded in mystery ...

Stones are moving slowly, sometimes zigzag, breaking dozens of meters of the way, leaving clearly visible traces in the sandy ground ...

They do not roll, do not rotate, and crawl on the surface, as if someone invisible is pulling them away ...

Restless movements boulders repeatedly tried to secure experts, but to no avail - the people did not manage to catch the boulders at the time of travel ...

However, observers should move slightly to the side, away from the objects of his observations as they begin to move - sometimes up to half an hour ...

According to surveys, begun in 1950 and performed by conventional methods, maps of several troughs, but no one ever does not constitute a general plan of the entire network trace of movement. Post-graduate student at New York University, Paula Messina, visiting for the first time this place in 1993, decided to make the first complete map of the base troughs Racetrack. She took advantage of modern technology - GPS and GIS.

During the 10 days of field work with his partner Paula Phil Stoffer passed 100 kilometers. Each of the 162 boulders and trace their movements were photographed and filmed their coordinates.

Overall analysis showed that the nature of the next move is determined by the surrounding terrain and it is due to air currents, not the properties themselves stones ...
However, as long as someone does not personally see as slide rocks, this phenomenon is still shrouded in mystery ...