10 cases where the animals are brought to justice (10 photos)
G / R number S2559
Labrador Retriever named Pep, who lived in Pike County, Pennsylvania, had the misfortune to be a neighbor of the governor Pinsho. One hot summer day in 1924, this friendly dog came to a temporary insanity and killed the cat Mrs. Pinsho. The Governor was furious and insisted on an immediate hearing.
The heat of passion did not save a dog - she was sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to the state prison in Philadelphia. The jailers long time could not decide whether to assign the dog prison number, but in the end won the tradition. So Pep became z / k number S2559. This story has a happy ending. Pep The prison was surrounded by universal love, he was allowed to change the inmates at will. While the prisoners were building a new prison building in Greyterforde, Pennsylvania, the dog every morning climbed the prison bus, he heard his number. In 1930, after six men (ie, forty-two dog) years imprisonment Pep died of old age.
Juvenile offenders
Among the animals are brought to justice, occupy a special place pig. In the Middle Ages left unattended pigs often attack small children. After the arrest, they were placed in solitary confinement, was recorded as "pig-so," and then publicly hanged in compliance with all formalities. In the annals of animal vessels mentioned many famous pig-criminals.
One of the most unusual cases heard in Savigny, France, in 1457. The sow and her six piglets were accused of being "deliberately and maliciously" killed five year old boy, Jean Martin. Sow was convicted and hung by the hind legs. But he was guilty of pigs, which are found at the crime scene of blood? Master piglets Jean Baillie is obliged to make a pledge for them and take them to himself until the second hearing. But Baillie said that he had no money, and in addition, refused to vouch for the law-abiding behavior of piglets in the future. Three weeks later, they appeared in court. Taking into account their young age and lack of convincing evidence of their guilt, the court was lenient. Piglets given the care of a local nobleman, and Baillie freed from paying any costs.
Hardened criminals
Perhaps the most famous trial of the animals took place in Basel in 1474. On the dock there was a rooster, who was accused that he laid an egg, with no yolk. In those days it was thought that such eggs are hatching witches in league with Satan, bringing one hatch deadly winged serpents.
It was almost hopeless, and even the lawyer did not dare to claim that his client is innocent. He built a defense on the fact that the rooster does not deal with the devil, and the egg carried by chance and without malice. After a lengthy trial judge concluded that cock possessed by the devil. Rooster and egg were burned large crowds. This case is remembered in 1710 when a Frenchman, made a report at the Academy, which argued that the egg without the yolk - a manifestation of a disease of chickens.
Success Stories
In 1877, in New York, some of Mary O 'Shea was bitten finger monkey organ grinder. Mary demanded compensation, but the judge rejected it, saying it can not judge that monkey. Mary rage jumped out of the courtroom.
The monkey is dressed in a scarlet coat and a velvet cap, demonstrated their agreement with the decision of the court: she put her tail gas lamp on the desk of the judge and tried to shake his hand. At the police incident log stayed this entry: "Name: Jimmy Dill. Lesson: Monkey. Position: justified ».
Difficulties trip
In 1963, in Tripoli, 75 pigeons were sentenced to death. Smugglers trained pigeons to carry the bill through the Libyan border from Greece, Italy and Egypt.
The court sentenced the bird to death, because they were "too dangerous and well-trained" to release them into the wild. The smugglers escaped with a fine.
Franciscan mound
At the beginning of the XVIII century the monks of a Franciscan monastery in Brazil were desperate termites that devour not only the food and furniture and even the walls of the monastery. The monks appealed to the bishop with a request to expel termites and held a community court. When the defendants defiantly not appear in court, he was assigned a lawyer.
He made the usual speech that all of God's creatures deserve a piece of bread, and praised the hard work of termites, which, in his opinion, is far superior to the zeal of the monks. In addition, he pointed out that termites have lived on this land long before the arrival of the monks. Length of the proceedings was full of complex legal arguments and quotations from the Church Fathers. In the end it was decided that termites should be allocated a plot of land. The judge's decision was read aloud in front of a termite mound. According to the monastic document, dated 1713 year, termites immediately left their termite mounds and went to a new place.
Mayor werewolf
In 1685, in the vicinity of Ansbach, Germany, he appeared angry wolf that ravaged herds and attacked women and children. It was thought that this beast is none other than the mayor of the city of the dead, who became a werewolf. Mayor werewolf was not so easy to find, but in the end he was caught and killed.
The corpse of a wolf dressed in flesh-colored suit and face mask was cut and replaced, representing the mayor. The verdict of the court was an animal hung on a windmill. Later, out of his skin made scarecrow that put the town hall - as proof that werewolves exist.
First, women and children
In 1519 in the town of Stelvio, Italy, field mice were accused that they spoil their crops digging. Mice given the defender, Hans Grinebnera that they could "justify their behavior by referring to the suffering and need." The lawyer argued that his clients - useful members of society, because they eat insects and enrich the soil.
Prosecutor, meningitis Schwartz insisted that the damage done by mice, prevents farmers pay rent. But the judge was lenient. He sent the animals into exile, but guaranteed their safety and gave a two-week reprieve to those "who have young children, or else they are established».
The wicked bloodsucker
In 1451 in Lausanne, a few leeches brought before the community court. One can imagine in what mental disorders they listened to the verdict, undertakes to leave the city.
When the resistant animals refused to obey unjust decision, they were excommunicated by the local bishop.
Seduced and abandoned
In the town Vanvr, in France, in 1750 a certain Jacques Ferron was caught at the time of copulation with a donkey and was sentenced to be hanged. Ass on the then laws should be executed along with him, but members of the community made an unprecedented step.
They signed a petition, which indicated that they know the ass for four years, and all this time it was different kind temper and did not give a reason for any gossip. It was in the eyes of the neighbors as "the most dobronravnym creature in all his habits." As a result of this intervention, Jacques Ferron was hanged for sodomy and ass justified.
Labrador Retriever named Pep, who lived in Pike County, Pennsylvania, had the misfortune to be a neighbor of the governor Pinsho. One hot summer day in 1924, this friendly dog came to a temporary insanity and killed the cat Mrs. Pinsho. The Governor was furious and insisted on an immediate hearing.

The heat of passion did not save a dog - she was sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to the state prison in Philadelphia. The jailers long time could not decide whether to assign the dog prison number, but in the end won the tradition. So Pep became z / k number S2559. This story has a happy ending. Pep The prison was surrounded by universal love, he was allowed to change the inmates at will. While the prisoners were building a new prison building in Greyterforde, Pennsylvania, the dog every morning climbed the prison bus, he heard his number. In 1930, after six men (ie, forty-two dog) years imprisonment Pep died of old age.
Juvenile offenders
Among the animals are brought to justice, occupy a special place pig. In the Middle Ages left unattended pigs often attack small children. After the arrest, they were placed in solitary confinement, was recorded as "pig-so," and then publicly hanged in compliance with all formalities. In the annals of animal vessels mentioned many famous pig-criminals.

One of the most unusual cases heard in Savigny, France, in 1457. The sow and her six piglets were accused of being "deliberately and maliciously" killed five year old boy, Jean Martin. Sow was convicted and hung by the hind legs. But he was guilty of pigs, which are found at the crime scene of blood? Master piglets Jean Baillie is obliged to make a pledge for them and take them to himself until the second hearing. But Baillie said that he had no money, and in addition, refused to vouch for the law-abiding behavior of piglets in the future. Three weeks later, they appeared in court. Taking into account their young age and lack of convincing evidence of their guilt, the court was lenient. Piglets given the care of a local nobleman, and Baillie freed from paying any costs.
Hardened criminals
Perhaps the most famous trial of the animals took place in Basel in 1474. On the dock there was a rooster, who was accused that he laid an egg, with no yolk. In those days it was thought that such eggs are hatching witches in league with Satan, bringing one hatch deadly winged serpents.

It was almost hopeless, and even the lawyer did not dare to claim that his client is innocent. He built a defense on the fact that the rooster does not deal with the devil, and the egg carried by chance and without malice. After a lengthy trial judge concluded that cock possessed by the devil. Rooster and egg were burned large crowds. This case is remembered in 1710 when a Frenchman, made a report at the Academy, which argued that the egg without the yolk - a manifestation of a disease of chickens.
Success Stories
In 1877, in New York, some of Mary O 'Shea was bitten finger monkey organ grinder. Mary demanded compensation, but the judge rejected it, saying it can not judge that monkey. Mary rage jumped out of the courtroom.

The monkey is dressed in a scarlet coat and a velvet cap, demonstrated their agreement with the decision of the court: she put her tail gas lamp on the desk of the judge and tried to shake his hand. At the police incident log stayed this entry: "Name: Jimmy Dill. Lesson: Monkey. Position: justified ».
Difficulties trip
In 1963, in Tripoli, 75 pigeons were sentenced to death. Smugglers trained pigeons to carry the bill through the Libyan border from Greece, Italy and Egypt.

The court sentenced the bird to death, because they were "too dangerous and well-trained" to release them into the wild. The smugglers escaped with a fine.
Franciscan mound
At the beginning of the XVIII century the monks of a Franciscan monastery in Brazil were desperate termites that devour not only the food and furniture and even the walls of the monastery. The monks appealed to the bishop with a request to expel termites and held a community court. When the defendants defiantly not appear in court, he was assigned a lawyer.

He made the usual speech that all of God's creatures deserve a piece of bread, and praised the hard work of termites, which, in his opinion, is far superior to the zeal of the monks. In addition, he pointed out that termites have lived on this land long before the arrival of the monks. Length of the proceedings was full of complex legal arguments and quotations from the Church Fathers. In the end it was decided that termites should be allocated a plot of land. The judge's decision was read aloud in front of a termite mound. According to the monastic document, dated 1713 year, termites immediately left their termite mounds and went to a new place.
Mayor werewolf
In 1685, in the vicinity of Ansbach, Germany, he appeared angry wolf that ravaged herds and attacked women and children. It was thought that this beast is none other than the mayor of the city of the dead, who became a werewolf. Mayor werewolf was not so easy to find, but in the end he was caught and killed.

The corpse of a wolf dressed in flesh-colored suit and face mask was cut and replaced, representing the mayor. The verdict of the court was an animal hung on a windmill. Later, out of his skin made scarecrow that put the town hall - as proof that werewolves exist.
First, women and children
In 1519 in the town of Stelvio, Italy, field mice were accused that they spoil their crops digging. Mice given the defender, Hans Grinebnera that they could "justify their behavior by referring to the suffering and need." The lawyer argued that his clients - useful members of society, because they eat insects and enrich the soil.

Prosecutor, meningitis Schwartz insisted that the damage done by mice, prevents farmers pay rent. But the judge was lenient. He sent the animals into exile, but guaranteed their safety and gave a two-week reprieve to those "who have young children, or else they are established».
The wicked bloodsucker
In 1451 in Lausanne, a few leeches brought before the community court. One can imagine in what mental disorders they listened to the verdict, undertakes to leave the city.

When the resistant animals refused to obey unjust decision, they were excommunicated by the local bishop.
Seduced and abandoned
In the town Vanvr, in France, in 1750 a certain Jacques Ferron was caught at the time of copulation with a donkey and was sentenced to be hanged. Ass on the then laws should be executed along with him, but members of the community made an unprecedented step.

They signed a petition, which indicated that they know the ass for four years, and all this time it was different kind temper and did not give a reason for any gossip. It was in the eyes of the neighbors as "the most dobronravnym creature in all his habits." As a result of this intervention, Jacques Ferron was hanged for sodomy and ass justified.