Open living statues championship in Evpatoria (123 photos)
May 1-2 in Yalta, on the day of the official start of the holiday season has passed II Open Championship of live statues, key figures of which were great representatives of the world of art and literature: Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller, Dutch painter Rembrandt and many other famous people. Is organized by the executive committee of the city council Evpatoria, Office of Investment Policy and Foreign Economic Relations, Department of Culture, Leisure Centre, Theatre living sculptures.
Participation in the second in a row championship was about 70 artists, subtly conveys a living sculpture images of celebrities. At the tournament were presented the city of Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, France, Spain, the United Arab Emirates.
Participation in the second in a row championship was about 70 artists, subtly conveys a living sculpture images of celebrities. At the tournament were presented the city of Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, France, Spain, the United Arab Emirates.