Soldiers against Somali pirates (5 photos)
Boats destroy that they are no longer able to use.
Pirates of the West Indies and the Indian Ocean
70 years ago (67 pictures)
Photos of the First World War
Berbera, Somaliland
Invasion of Ukraine: the latest developments in the Crimea and the south-east
New entertainment oligarchs
Fifteen men on the dead man's chest
Myths about the Great Patriotic War
Recipes infusions and decoctions for eco-friendly pest control
7 myths about pirates (3 pics + text)
Pirate treasure (6 photos + text)
7 myths about pirates (photo + 7 letters)
Great Victory in Photos
From the history of the Korean War (50 photos)
Somali pirates open exchange!
Plunge into childhood
Sovetskaya-Finnish War
The detention of pirates (3 photos)
Britney Spears as a way to deal with Somali pirates
World - Eastern Front (43 photos)
Military parades from different countries
100 best photos of April 2010
Swine flu pandemic
Interesting facts about pirates
Battle for Berlin
Pirates of the West Indies and the Indian Ocean
70 years ago (67 pictures)
Photos of the First World War
Berbera, Somaliland
Invasion of Ukraine: the latest developments in the Crimea and the south-east
New entertainment oligarchs
Fifteen men on the dead man's chest
Myths about the Great Patriotic War
Recipes infusions and decoctions for eco-friendly pest control
7 myths about pirates (3 pics + text)
Pirate treasure (6 photos + text)
7 myths about pirates (photo + 7 letters)
Great Victory in Photos
From the history of the Korean War (50 photos)
Somali pirates open exchange!
Plunge into childhood
Sovetskaya-Finnish War
The detention of pirates (3 photos)
Britney Spears as a way to deal with Somali pirates
World - Eastern Front (43 photos)
Military parades from different countries
100 best photos of April 2010
Swine flu pandemic
Interesting facts about pirates
Battle for Berlin
Flooding in Brazil (25 photos)
How to make rugs (15 pics + text)