In Lefortovo Bridge (5 photos)
Author photos writes that this place is constantly accidents and calls him a "rotten».
The accident occurred last Friday.
Then you can look at the consequences. Apparently, no one was hurt seriously.
The most terrible nuclear disaster in the history of mankind (72 photos)
The new bridge crossing in Zaporozhye
How to check bridges
The 28th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
Land alienation
What Not to Do in Technological Disasters
The coolest bridges (46 photos)
Top bridge-champions
Tower Bridge
Bridges in the World
Fee-for-progress - the biggest accident on hydroelectric power station
Construction Bugrinsky Bridge in Novosibirsk
Construction Bugrinsky Bridge in Novosibirsk.
Calculation of bridge
Shadow of Chernobyl
Device Palace Bridge in St. Petersburg
Devil's Bridge. 210 years later
How to let the bridge across the Golden Horn
Unusual bridges
Construction of the bridge Colorado River Bridge (8 photos)
Construction of a bridge over the Hoover Dam (8 photos)
Major accidents at nuclear power plants in the US (18 photos)
Extreme bridges
Bridges as a work of art
Man-made disasters of the XXI century
The most terrible nuclear disaster in the history of mankind (72 photos)
The new bridge crossing in Zaporozhye
How to check bridges
The 28th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
Land alienation
What Not to Do in Technological Disasters
The coolest bridges (46 photos)
Top bridge-champions
Tower Bridge
Bridges in the World
Fee-for-progress - the biggest accident on hydroelectric power station
Construction Bugrinsky Bridge in Novosibirsk
Construction Bugrinsky Bridge in Novosibirsk.
Calculation of bridge
Shadow of Chernobyl
Device Palace Bridge in St. Petersburg
Devil's Bridge. 210 years later
How to let the bridge across the Golden Horn
Unusual bridges
Construction of the bridge Colorado River Bridge (8 photos)
Construction of a bridge over the Hoover Dam (8 photos)
Major accidents at nuclear power plants in the US (18 photos)
Extreme bridges
Bridges as a work of art
Man-made disasters of the XXI century
Abandoned places (80 photos)
Barbie Guerra - bodibildersha without ... (30 photos)