In Baku, a fallen building (4 photos)
The most terrible nuclear disaster in the history of mankind (72 photos)
To see Baku and love - a photo essay
15 reasons to visit Azerbaijan
I want to Baku
The 28th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
Land alienation
What Not to Do in Technological Disasters
Modern Baku
Oil - black blood Empire
Fee-for-progress - the biggest accident on hydroelectric power station
How to destroy the Baku to turn it into a Caucasian oak: Facts in the pics
Rossіyskaya Iperіya on tsvetnih otkrytkah
Shadow of Chernobyl
Major accidents at nuclear power plants in the US (18 photos)
Architecture of the buildings in the movie The Diamond Arm (51 photos)
City on stilts on the high seas
Oil Stones
Since childhood, I love Elvis Presley, only Muslim Magomayev can compare with him.
What we fall from the sky (12 photos)
Something that falls from the sky (12 photos)
What falls from the sky
Lessons cosmic accident: the defeat and triumph of the "Apollo 13"
The most terrible nuclear disaster in the history of mankind (72 photos)
To see Baku and love - a photo essay
15 reasons to visit Azerbaijan
I want to Baku
The 28th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
Land alienation
What Not to Do in Technological Disasters
Modern Baku
Oil - black blood Empire
Fee-for-progress - the biggest accident on hydroelectric power station
How to destroy the Baku to turn it into a Caucasian oak: Facts in the pics
Rossіyskaya Iperіya on tsvetnih otkrytkah
Shadow of Chernobyl
Major accidents at nuclear power plants in the US (18 photos)
Architecture of the buildings in the movie The Diamond Arm (51 photos)
City on stilts on the high seas
Oil Stones
Since childhood, I love Elvis Presley, only Muslim Magomayev can compare with him.
What we fall from the sky (12 photos)
Something that falls from the sky (12 photos)
What falls from the sky
Lessons cosmic accident: the defeat and triumph of the "Apollo 13"
School canteens of China (6 photos)
Nepovezlo cop (9 photos)