Forgiveness: How to get rid of the burden of insults and why it is necessary

Forgiveness: Why it's harder than it seems and more important than we think
The unlearned lesson of evolution
According to a University of California study, the ability to forgive is an evolutionary mechanism that helped our ancestors maintain social bonds. But if resentment used to be a signal of danger, today it often becomes a time-lapse poison. Neuroscientists have found that unforgiven grievances activate the same areas of the brain as physical pain (anterior cingulate cortex).
What really happens when we don’t forgive:
- Cortisol Levels Increase by 23% (Journal of Behavioral Medicine)
- Risk of cardiovascular disease increases 1.5 times
- Reduced neuroplasticity of the hippocampus

4 Stages of Forgiveness
1. Pain inventory
Balance resentment: What exactly did this person steal from you? Time? Trust? Self-esteem? Concretization reduces the emotional charge.
2. Revision of the narrative
Try to write a third-person story. A University of Miami study found that it reduced emotional engagement by 40%.
Practice: "Letter without sending"
Write three versions of the letter:
1. From your present self.
2. On behalf of your abuser.
3. From an outside observer
Burn or tear the sheets is a symbolic act of completion.

When Forgiveness Is Impossible: 3 Alternative Ways
- Emotional distance: Create a mental time corridor between the event and the present moment.
- Translation to the cognitive plane: Analyze the situation as a social experiment
- Radical acceptance: “Yes, it happened. No, it doesn't determine my future.
Cortisol: Stress hormone, a prolonged increase in which destroys neural connections
Neuroplasticity: The ability of the brain to change under the influence of experience
Cognitive empathy: Understanding Others' Emotions Without Emotional Merging
“Forgiveness is the return of stolen peace.” – Bashny.net
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