Indian boy Abigya Anand's new warning of what will happen in December 2023 needs to be prepared

What does the world expect at the end of this year? This is evidenced by new predictions for December 2023 from the Indian astrologer Abi Anand. This is one of the youngest prophets of our time, whose prophecies have more than one confirmation. More about what awaits humanity will tell the editorial office "Site"

The beginning of his prophecies takes in the distant 2019. Since then, events have evolved and led us to the scenario in which we live today. Military conflicts in various countries, natural disasters and destruction. This has been repeatedly warned by the prophets, but mankind has never stopped and listened to the thinkers of this world. We continue to pursue our personal well-being, forgetting that we live on planet Earth. And today, our planet demands our participation and our help. So what is the Indian prophet warning for the coming month of December and the beginning of the next year?

Predictions for December 2023 Today we are witnessing terrible events. A time when human life is devalued, when the rulers of states are testing new weapons of mass destruction. It is frightening what awaits our children and future generations. What a world they will live in and what we will leave behind in this world. Always remember that everyone is involved in the events that are taking place today. Some run the world, while others live indifferently in it and do not try to interfere in global processes. Yes, by and large, their own lives seem gray and dull and they do not want to change it.

The Indian prophet says that all the troubles of Russia began in the distant 19th century. Russia has fought countless wars and continues to fight them now. A country that always has few territories and cannot provide normal life for its citizens in this territory. Russia became famous for destroying the elite and cultured people. Today, talented, educated people are leaving the country, who could bring a bright future to this country.

The war that Russia is now waging against Ukraine is also devastating. Russia has been trying for centuries to eradicate the Ukrainian people and destroy their culture and history. Russia considers itself the greatest country, the founder of the empire. But if you go deeper into history, it turns out that everything happened in reverse. Russia only conquered territories with its numerous armies and appropriated cultural values. The people living in the conquered territories were simply destroyed. The events of the 20th century, the overthrow of the tsar and the coming to power of illiterate Bolsheviks are also proof of this.

What awaits Russia in 2024? Gradually, not immediately, it will begin to return to its historical borders. These borders are the borders of the Moscow region. All other lands were once conquered. And now the time is coming when these territories will return to their legitimate countries. There are still small parts of the indigenous population in these territories, which will restore their cultures and languages. As for Ukraine, in December 2023, the process of returning the territories seized by Russia through negotiations will begin.

No country wants blood spilled anymore. Russia will have no other chance to admit defeat and withdraw from the occupied territories. The whole civilized world community stands behind Ukraine. And this will be a victory for Ukraine over the evil that has been roaming the world for centuries. As for other countries, such as Israel and Palestine. They will also have to come to an agreement. Their decades-long conflict won't break out that easily because it's based on religion. But these countries will have to put up with each other’s neighborhood and learn to live in harmony. The Prophet is confident that 2024 will bring global change to the world community. And these changes begin as early as December 2023.

What do you think about global changes on our planet? Write in the comments your assumptions and expectations for 2024.


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