The Orthodox Church urges believers to renounce superstitions, embroidery for holidays is allowed
Traditional embroidery Ukraine is striking with its diversity. Each area has its own characteristics of this craft. And it's still alive today. Young people make replicas to the work of their grandmothers, and someone creates unique products, using schemes from old books.
Today, embroidery as part of Ukrainian culture is experiencing a revival. There are many traditions and traditions associated with it. For example, it was forbidden to embroidery on religious holidays. However, the situation has changed. How exactly and what it is connected with, I tell further in the article.
Traditional embroidery The other day in the Network there was news that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine allows parishioners to embroidery on church holidays. It's not a sin! The priests emphasized that faith should be the key to freedom. It cannot limit people in their desires. Therefore, old prejudices must be abandoned.
On the same day, you can devote time to celebration and embroidery, if this activity is important to you. Handicraft has never been a sin if it does not pull the whole blanket over itself. In other words, you need to be able to balance between religious rites and your occupation.
Just because there's an important church holiday doesn't mean you have to beat baklushi all day. On the contrary, it is idleness in the Orthodox Church that is least revered. Trinity is coming. This is a great way to go to church and pray. And then you can devote a few hours to embroidery if you want.
People on the Internet supported this innovation: “If I am not mistaken, the catechism says that embroidery is a form of intellectual labor.” For many, embroidery is a state of mind. The process calms and gives time for reflection.
However, there were those who did not like this permission. They say that it is wrong to violate traditions, holidays and Sundays should be dedicated to serving God. And you can take a needle in your hands on any other day. I wonder what you think about that? Share your opinion in the comments!
With embroidery associated with many signs. The image you create can affect your destiny. For example, the embroidered mill and lighthouse symbolize the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Also this can contribute to the embroidered bird hummingbird.
If you make a house, you may soon have your own home. Those who want to find love are advised to embroidery motives with pairs of people or animals. Wolves and swans are best embroidered because they remain loyal to each other until their last breath.
Single girls can embroidery strangers as well as butterflies. They are considered a symbol of love and help not only to find a lover, but also to strengthen the connection with an existing partner. As for traditional embroidery, the image of a rooster will help attract love. If you meet your love, the picture with the rooster should be supplemented with embroidery of the chicken as his faithful companion.
Among the signs associated with embroidery, there is one very nice. If you sew angels, wait for replenishment in the family. It can be a church image of a Madonna with a child. This embroidery is especially relevant for women who for many years can not get pregnant. Send your message into space with a needle and thread!
According to the sign, it is best to start a new embroidery on the growing moon. Also, experienced embroiderers make a wish for the first cross. It is believed that it is best to sing or read a prayer during embroidery. By the way, that's a great idea if you're going to embroidery on a religious holiday.
Another sign says that the needle and scissors for embroidery should be special. You can not sew and sew clothes with the same needle. Same goes for scissors. The point is that the needle carries energy through itself. Therefore, it is important not to disperse it in vain and not to attract negativity from other things through it.
Tell me, what does traditional embroidery mean to you?

Today, embroidery as part of Ukrainian culture is experiencing a revival. There are many traditions and traditions associated with it. For example, it was forbidden to embroidery on religious holidays. However, the situation has changed. How exactly and what it is connected with, I tell further in the article.
Traditional embroidery The other day in the Network there was news that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine allows parishioners to embroidery on church holidays. It's not a sin! The priests emphasized that faith should be the key to freedom. It cannot limit people in their desires. Therefore, old prejudices must be abandoned.
On the same day, you can devote time to celebration and embroidery, if this activity is important to you. Handicraft has never been a sin if it does not pull the whole blanket over itself. In other words, you need to be able to balance between religious rites and your occupation.

Just because there's an important church holiday doesn't mean you have to beat baklushi all day. On the contrary, it is idleness in the Orthodox Church that is least revered. Trinity is coming. This is a great way to go to church and pray. And then you can devote a few hours to embroidery if you want.
People on the Internet supported this innovation: “If I am not mistaken, the catechism says that embroidery is a form of intellectual labor.” For many, embroidery is a state of mind. The process calms and gives time for reflection.

However, there were those who did not like this permission. They say that it is wrong to violate traditions, holidays and Sundays should be dedicated to serving God. And you can take a needle in your hands on any other day. I wonder what you think about that? Share your opinion in the comments!
With embroidery associated with many signs. The image you create can affect your destiny. For example, the embroidered mill and lighthouse symbolize the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Also this can contribute to the embroidered bird hummingbird.

If you make a house, you may soon have your own home. Those who want to find love are advised to embroidery motives with pairs of people or animals. Wolves and swans are best embroidered because they remain loyal to each other until their last breath.
Single girls can embroidery strangers as well as butterflies. They are considered a symbol of love and help not only to find a lover, but also to strengthen the connection with an existing partner. As for traditional embroidery, the image of a rooster will help attract love. If you meet your love, the picture with the rooster should be supplemented with embroidery of the chicken as his faithful companion.

Among the signs associated with embroidery, there is one very nice. If you sew angels, wait for replenishment in the family. It can be a church image of a Madonna with a child. This embroidery is especially relevant for women who for many years can not get pregnant. Send your message into space with a needle and thread!
According to the sign, it is best to start a new embroidery on the growing moon. Also, experienced embroiderers make a wish for the first cross. It is believed that it is best to sing or read a prayer during embroidery. By the way, that's a great idea if you're going to embroidery on a religious holiday.

Another sign says that the needle and scissors for embroidery should be special. You can not sew and sew clothes with the same needle. Same goes for scissors. The point is that the needle carries energy through itself. Therefore, it is important not to disperse it in vain and not to attract negativity from other things through it.
Tell me, what does traditional embroidery mean to you?
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