Many will be thinking about their karma in 2023 because it’s time to pay the bills.
This spring, according to the clairvoyant Juna, will be a very important time not only for the present year, but for the coming years in general. What will it be? predictions for 2023 for the world? Let’s face it, not all forecasts look rosy and positive. Many people will not like what they are reading.
But what to do, our readers deserve to tell them only reliable warnings of the healer. On the other hand, you should not be discouraged either. As they say, there is no evil without good. Sooner or later things have to change for the better. In the meantime, you just have to be human and not do evil. Karma will overtake everyone.
The World Health Organization recently announced that this year the coronavirus will be finally defeated. This message is in stark contrast to what Juna said in her messages to the world. We will remind, the soothsayer insisted that the disease will still be dangerous for a long time.
However, modern doctors, as it turned out, do not agree with this. And here comes the juggling of facts. The fact is that scientists can at any time rename any disease into something else and just announce that a new round of a pandemic of a hitherto unknown disease has begun. But for a man like Juna, it wouldn’t matter. Well, just like you and me.
Then there's earthquakes. It is also a very painful topic that, alas, has fallen on our century. According to the visionary, in 2023 they will still continue, but only slightly changing the geography of their activities. Tremors under the ground will be felt in the North. In addition, they will contribute to anomalous activity on the Sun.
We hope that this time the storm will not be such a large-scale amplitude and only in uninhabited areas. Unfortunately, we are left with nothing else, because even scientists with only one computer available to them can not predict exactly where and when it will shake next time.
Yes, indeed, people are not used to responsibility for what they did. Someone believes in the other world, someone believes that he is free to do in life anything he wants. Besides human laws, there are also rules of life. And so, based on these rules, the so-called laws of boomerang or, more simply, karma begin to operate.
There were always conflicts on Earth. Now they have moved to a completely different level. Conflicts occur between countries and even entire nations. No matter how harsh the world is, the main thing in our time is to be human. Keep the light within yourself and in no way contribute to the continuation of collisions.
The tougher a person is, the more it will affect his future. Or perhaps the future of his children, other relatives or close friends. It's still the same thing. You reap what you sow.
Juna made it clear that we didn’t live to be wild animals in the 21st century. A person is not alien to spirituality, empathy and the inner strength of faith. So why are some so eager to return to the dark ages to fill their hearts with hatred and malice? Such people do not expect anything good after life, no matter how bright ideals they hide their hatred.
Predictions for 2023 for the world: what is the outcome? For sure, we can only say that people, according to the healer Juna, should move to another level. Get cleaner and lighter. And not because it would just be great, and it sounds like some kind of script from a children's movie. In fact, the reason for this is that a person from the technical side has become very dangerous. First and foremost for myself.
If primitive people were given not stones and sticks, but modern means of defense? We don't know what would have happened to us today. And if there was anything at all. Why is that? The answer lies on the surface: too much malice, too much rash and too short-sighted decisions. Primitive thinking, which is explained by the fact that their brain was not ready for such technologies.
But for us modern people, it's kind of like brains are a little different. So they need to try to think before committing any completely unnecessary, even critical actions. On this, we agree with Juna 100%.
And while internal and external strife can at least somehow be controlled, we are not yet able to influence natural phenomena and natural disasters. And somehow the thought comes to mind: what if this is karma? If humanity is thus condemned to answer for its sins: present and past? There's a lot to think about.
One way or another, we wish everyone not to lose their human form, to be kinder and to keep somewhere in the heart those thoughts and emotions that were in our early childhood. Let's live like people!

But what to do, our readers deserve to tell them only reliable warnings of the healer. On the other hand, you should not be discouraged either. As they say, there is no evil without good. Sooner or later things have to change for the better. In the meantime, you just have to be human and not do evil. Karma will overtake everyone.
The World Health Organization recently announced that this year the coronavirus will be finally defeated. This message is in stark contrast to what Juna said in her messages to the world. We will remind, the soothsayer insisted that the disease will still be dangerous for a long time.

However, modern doctors, as it turned out, do not agree with this. And here comes the juggling of facts. The fact is that scientists can at any time rename any disease into something else and just announce that a new round of a pandemic of a hitherto unknown disease has begun. But for a man like Juna, it wouldn’t matter. Well, just like you and me.
Then there's earthquakes. It is also a very painful topic that, alas, has fallen on our century. According to the visionary, in 2023 they will still continue, but only slightly changing the geography of their activities. Tremors under the ground will be felt in the North. In addition, they will contribute to anomalous activity on the Sun.

We hope that this time the storm will not be such a large-scale amplitude and only in uninhabited areas. Unfortunately, we are left with nothing else, because even scientists with only one computer available to them can not predict exactly where and when it will shake next time.
Yes, indeed, people are not used to responsibility for what they did. Someone believes in the other world, someone believes that he is free to do in life anything he wants. Besides human laws, there are also rules of life. And so, based on these rules, the so-called laws of boomerang or, more simply, karma begin to operate.

There were always conflicts on Earth. Now they have moved to a completely different level. Conflicts occur between countries and even entire nations. No matter how harsh the world is, the main thing in our time is to be human. Keep the light within yourself and in no way contribute to the continuation of collisions.
The tougher a person is, the more it will affect his future. Or perhaps the future of his children, other relatives or close friends. It's still the same thing. You reap what you sow.

Juna made it clear that we didn’t live to be wild animals in the 21st century. A person is not alien to spirituality, empathy and the inner strength of faith. So why are some so eager to return to the dark ages to fill their hearts with hatred and malice? Such people do not expect anything good after life, no matter how bright ideals they hide their hatred.
Predictions for 2023 for the world: what is the outcome? For sure, we can only say that people, according to the healer Juna, should move to another level. Get cleaner and lighter. And not because it would just be great, and it sounds like some kind of script from a children's movie. In fact, the reason for this is that a person from the technical side has become very dangerous. First and foremost for myself.

If primitive people were given not stones and sticks, but modern means of defense? We don't know what would have happened to us today. And if there was anything at all. Why is that? The answer lies on the surface: too much malice, too much rash and too short-sighted decisions. Primitive thinking, which is explained by the fact that their brain was not ready for such technologies.
But for us modern people, it's kind of like brains are a little different. So they need to try to think before committing any completely unnecessary, even critical actions. On this, we agree with Juna 100%.

And while internal and external strife can at least somehow be controlled, we are not yet able to influence natural phenomena and natural disasters. And somehow the thought comes to mind: what if this is karma? If humanity is thus condemned to answer for its sins: present and past? There's a lot to think about.
One way or another, we wish everyone not to lose their human form, to be kinder and to keep somewhere in the heart those thoughts and emotions that were in our early childhood. Let's live like people!
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