I never throw out garlic husks and I advise you to do the same, it's real gold.
Garlic is an ingredient that almost no dish can do without. We often use it, generously adding to dishes. But garlic husks are not interesting to us at all, we send them to the trash without regret. It is worth it, because it has many useful uses.
Today's edition. "Site" It tells you why you need to collect garlic husks instead of throwing them away.
After peeling the garlic, do not give in to the temptation to throw away the husks. Read our article first. You'll find out how useful it can be. First, let’s talk about how husks can be useful in the kitchen. After all, it still retains a persistent garlic variant.
It is ideal for adding to broth or soup. It will give the liquid all the flavor, after which it can be carefully collected with a strainer. You can even create a whole scented bag. To do this, take gauze, put husks, bay leaf and other dried greens to taste in it. Such a bag can be sent to any dish, and after cooking just get it. The aroma is amazing, but there are no extra leaves in the dish.
Even European bakers do not throw away garlic husks. They dry it in the oven, grind it in a mortar to a powdery state, and then add it to the dough. Such a seasoning will give the bread an incredible aroma.
Many dishes are prepared using garlic in husks. In particular, because it has a rich aroma. You can do this when baking vegetables. Just cut the top of the garlic head, splash the butter and send it to the vegetables. Baked garlic can be used as an ingredient for the sauce. According to a similar scheme, real pilaf is prepared.
Also recently became popular recipe chef from New York, who made husk chips. You just need to pour olive oil on the husk, add salt and pepper, and then send it to the oven heated to 200 degrees. In 10 minutes, you will get crispy chips that can be added to salads or main dishes.
Everyone knows that garlic has antibacterial properties. Therefore, it is useful not only to eat, but also to use as protection for plants. For example, you can prepare an infusion of husks. Soak it for 5 days in warm water. After filtering and spraying indoor plants. This decoction will help protect plants from aphids and spider mites.
A similar infusion can be used as a remedy for the Colorado beetle. You can soak the husks in water at night, and in the morning spray the ground part of the potatoes. The Colorado beetle will stay away from your crop.
If you keep carrots or other vegetables in the house, you can protect them with husks. Just sprinkle the vegetables with dry husks. This will protect them from decay and prolong the shelf life.
We think we've already convinced you not to throw away garlic husks. After all, it is useful not only for cooking, but also for gardening. We hope that all these methods will be useful to you in the household!

Today's edition. "Site" It tells you why you need to collect garlic husks instead of throwing them away.
After peeling the garlic, do not give in to the temptation to throw away the husks. Read our article first. You'll find out how useful it can be. First, let’s talk about how husks can be useful in the kitchen. After all, it still retains a persistent garlic variant.
It is ideal for adding to broth or soup. It will give the liquid all the flavor, after which it can be carefully collected with a strainer. You can even create a whole scented bag. To do this, take gauze, put husks, bay leaf and other dried greens to taste in it. Such a bag can be sent to any dish, and after cooking just get it. The aroma is amazing, but there are no extra leaves in the dish.

Even European bakers do not throw away garlic husks. They dry it in the oven, grind it in a mortar to a powdery state, and then add it to the dough. Such a seasoning will give the bread an incredible aroma.
Many dishes are prepared using garlic in husks. In particular, because it has a rich aroma. You can do this when baking vegetables. Just cut the top of the garlic head, splash the butter and send it to the vegetables. Baked garlic can be used as an ingredient for the sauce. According to a similar scheme, real pilaf is prepared.

Also recently became popular recipe chef from New York, who made husk chips. You just need to pour olive oil on the husk, add salt and pepper, and then send it to the oven heated to 200 degrees. In 10 minutes, you will get crispy chips that can be added to salads or main dishes.

Everyone knows that garlic has antibacterial properties. Therefore, it is useful not only to eat, but also to use as protection for plants. For example, you can prepare an infusion of husks. Soak it for 5 days in warm water. After filtering and spraying indoor plants. This decoction will help protect plants from aphids and spider mites.

A similar infusion can be used as a remedy for the Colorado beetle. You can soak the husks in water at night, and in the morning spray the ground part of the potatoes. The Colorado beetle will stay away from your crop.
If you keep carrots or other vegetables in the house, you can protect them with husks. Just sprinkle the vegetables with dry husks. This will protect them from decay and prolong the shelf life.

We think we've already convinced you not to throw away garlic husks. After all, it is useful not only for cooking, but also for gardening. We hope that all these methods will be useful to you in the household!
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