How to wash the wallpaper and how to get rid of old spots
Someone from the family accidentally stained the wall in the hallway, the young artist decorated the wallpaper with his works, and the mystery of the greasy spot on the wall in the bedroom remained unsolved? This is no time to despair. "Site" will tell how to properly wash the wallpaper from any contamination.
First, it is important to determine the type of coating: cleaning paper or fliselin wallpaper is fundamentally different from washing vinyl coatings. The roll usually has a marking with a specified permissible degree of contact of the material with water.
Determine whether it is allowed to fully wash the wallpaper, you can and in this way: choose a small area on the wall, hidden from view (for example, behind the chair), wipe it with a sponge moistened in soap solution. If the pattern on the wallpaper remained in its original form, the coating can be washed.
No matter how carefully the residents of the house did not treat the walls, troubles happen. The main thing is not to be upset, but to take the necessary measures in time. Then the wallpaper can be postponed!
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First, it is important to determine the type of coating: cleaning paper or fliselin wallpaper is fundamentally different from washing vinyl coatings. The roll usually has a marking with a specified permissible degree of contact of the material with water.

Determine whether it is allowed to fully wash the wallpaper, you can and in this way: choose a small area on the wall, hidden from view (for example, behind the chair), wipe it with a sponge moistened in soap solution. If the pattern on the wallpaper remained in its original form, the coating can be washed.
- Detergents
This is the fastest way to clean the wallpaper from dirt with only one drawback - contraindicated for paper. But here are the flieselin or vinyl for my health! Before washing, wipe the surface with a dry napkin, and then treat it with a sponge with foaming agent. After washing, wet the surface with a moisturizing napkin to remove excess water. - Laser or melamine sponge
Light contamination from any type of wallpaper will help eliminate the usual stationery eraser. It is also suitable for removing handprints. But the melamine sponge (modern means No. 1 in the fight against stains) removes even traces of markers and ink, but it should be remembered that this is a strong abrasive that can damage the pattern of flieselin wallpaper. Try it in a small area first. - Bread pulp
This method was used by our grandmothers when it was necessary to remove contamination from delicate paper wallpaper. Press the piece of flesh to the spot for a few minutes: gluten will absorb dirt. Repeat the procedure several times. - Gasoline, alcohol
This method is suitable for all types of wallpaper. Mix the gasoline with the tooth powder. The resulting gruel will cope with old fat spots: apply the mixture to the stain, wait for complete drying. Brush the remains. Traces from ballpoint pens, markers, as well as coffee and tea will disappear if you rub them with a cloth soaked in medical alcohol. - Soda, starch, baby powder
To remove the greasy spot from the flieselin wallpaper, a mixture of water and starch (or soda) is suitable. Apply the cooked paste on the stain and let it dry. Swipe the remains with a soft brush, then wash the wallpaper with warm water. But the spot on paper wallpaper is better treated with dry powder (talc) and leave for a while. The remains of the powder were removed with a napkin. - Iron
Apply a paper napkin to the stain and iron with a warm (not hot) iron. Change your napkins from time to time and let the wallpaper cool. Work carefully, as the iron stains from the coating certainly can not be removed!
No matter how carefully the residents of the house did not treat the walls, troubles happen. The main thing is not to be upset, but to take the necessary measures in time. Then the wallpaper can be postponed!
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