Why you should visit the godparents at Christmas and what to give them
Some Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25, others only on January 7 (due to following the old Julian calendar). But whatever the date, this holiday remains one of the most significant and joyful of the year. Therefore, the celebration should be treated with special attention.
Are we celebrating Christmas right? Are we doing the right thing with visiting the godparents? What do the church officials themselves think about this? Today we will try to answer some questions that puzzle many.
We made the evening of January 6 (on Christmas Eve) to carry the evening of the godfather. Surprisingly, this tradition has nothing to do with Christianity, because it is taken from paganism. But since visiting loved ones fits into the norms of Christian morality, this practice was not only not prohibited, but also encouraged.
If, for some reason, it is not possible to bring the evening of the godfather on Christmas Eve, then this is not a sin. Here, the clergy recommend taking more care of the feelings of the person who was waiting for you to visit. It is better if possible to postpone your visit to another day, congratulate on the holiday and explain the situation so that you do not hold a grudge. It's important.
Traditionally, the supper is served first to the godfather, then to the godmother. The evening is brought as a thank you for the fact that the godparents voluntarily took on the duty of praying for the child and teaching him. As for godparents, they set the table and give the baby gifts.
And although from the last paragraph it may seem that only children can wear the supper, this is not entirely true, and in different regions it happens in different ways. For example, in Western Ukraine, supper is only worn until the child has gone to school. However, in most regions, the evening is celebrated, regardless of age. As long as the relationship remains good.
And the supper should be carried only for a couple of hours, after which in the evening of January 6 you need to return home to meet Christmas with the family. Of course, if the godparents live far away, for example, in another city, then this will not be possible. And if you visit them after January 6, it will be a Merry Christmas, although traditionally such visits are considered evenings.
As for the items to bring, the list also differs in different regions. However, most often we are talking about bread and coutier. And if there are still children in the family of godparents, then it is supposed to bring sweets. But even if you can not bring everything you need, it is not scary. After all, the main thing is the fact that you visit loved ones, give them warmth, congratulate, thank them for praying for their wards.
By the way, those who recently happened to become godparents may be puzzled: what prayer should be read? In this case, the clergy advise the following text of Father John (Krestyankin).
“Sweet Jesus!” God of my heart! For the sake of Your Divine Blood I implore You, my sweetest Saviour, by Your grace touch the heart of my godfather (name), protect him with Your Divine fear, restrain him from bad inclinations and habits, direct him to the bright path of life, truth and goodness. Beautify his life with all the good and saving, arrange his fate, as You yourself want and save his soul by their own destinies! Jesus, God of our fathers! Give the godfather a right heart to keep your commandments, your revelations, and your statutes. And do it all! Amen.
In addition to godparents on Christmas Eve, you can bring kutya and those who are not well. It is a blessing to help those who need it. Christmas is a celebration of goodnessTherefore, any good deeds done with pure thoughts will surely be counted in heaven, making the benefactor himself happy.
Are we celebrating Christmas right? Are we doing the right thing with visiting the godparents? What do the church officials themselves think about this? Today we will try to answer some questions that puzzle many.

We made the evening of January 6 (on Christmas Eve) to carry the evening of the godfather. Surprisingly, this tradition has nothing to do with Christianity, because it is taken from paganism. But since visiting loved ones fits into the norms of Christian morality, this practice was not only not prohibited, but also encouraged.

If, for some reason, it is not possible to bring the evening of the godfather on Christmas Eve, then this is not a sin. Here, the clergy recommend taking more care of the feelings of the person who was waiting for you to visit. It is better if possible to postpone your visit to another day, congratulate on the holiday and explain the situation so that you do not hold a grudge. It's important.
Traditionally, the supper is served first to the godfather, then to the godmother. The evening is brought as a thank you for the fact that the godparents voluntarily took on the duty of praying for the child and teaching him. As for godparents, they set the table and give the baby gifts.

And although from the last paragraph it may seem that only children can wear the supper, this is not entirely true, and in different regions it happens in different ways. For example, in Western Ukraine, supper is only worn until the child has gone to school. However, in most regions, the evening is celebrated, regardless of age. As long as the relationship remains good.
And the supper should be carried only for a couple of hours, after which in the evening of January 6 you need to return home to meet Christmas with the family. Of course, if the godparents live far away, for example, in another city, then this will not be possible. And if you visit them after January 6, it will be a Merry Christmas, although traditionally such visits are considered evenings.

As for the items to bring, the list also differs in different regions. However, most often we are talking about bread and coutier. And if there are still children in the family of godparents, then it is supposed to bring sweets. But even if you can not bring everything you need, it is not scary. After all, the main thing is the fact that you visit loved ones, give them warmth, congratulate, thank them for praying for their wards.

By the way, those who recently happened to become godparents may be puzzled: what prayer should be read? In this case, the clergy advise the following text of Father John (Krestyankin).
“Sweet Jesus!” God of my heart! For the sake of Your Divine Blood I implore You, my sweetest Saviour, by Your grace touch the heart of my godfather (name), protect him with Your Divine fear, restrain him from bad inclinations and habits, direct him to the bright path of life, truth and goodness. Beautify his life with all the good and saving, arrange his fate, as You yourself want and save his soul by their own destinies! Jesus, God of our fathers! Give the godfather a right heart to keep your commandments, your revelations, and your statutes. And do it all! Amen.

In addition to godparents on Christmas Eve, you can bring kutya and those who are not well. It is a blessing to help those who need it. Christmas is a celebration of goodnessTherefore, any good deeds done with pure thoughts will surely be counted in heaven, making the benefactor himself happy.
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