How alternative learning is different from regular school

More and more people say that the general education system is hopelessly outdated and does not meet modern requirements. But while some parents only sigh sadly, hoping that their child will be able to grieve in half through all the school difficulties, others radically approach the problem and refuse to send the child to a regular school.

Today's edition. "Site" It offers to learn more about the motivation of parents who refused to lead the child along the beaten path and offered him alternative methods of teaching. Were they right?

Child learning
  1. Family education
    “At first, his son attended a private school, but there it was difficult for him to switch from one subject to another on a bell. He was used to bringing every business to the end, and therefore the endless “tails” knocked him off his rut. Lavrusha was too tired, became anxious, afraid of grades, says Tatiana, the mother of fifth-grader Laurentia. Going to family education, the son for a couple of months worried that he did not succeed, but then we picked up a comfortable paceAt the same time, they discovered the joy of close communication, which was at least in the past.

    “It was important for my husband and I to implement an approach where the child’s opportunities and desires came first. We need to be able to choose the time to study, the right textbooks, the right pace. The child should be motivated to learn, he should choose which topic to study longer and which can be fluently passed.”

    “Schools do not teach learning, they suppress motivation. As a result, students become sluggish, uninitiative. And what can they be if for 11 years they are told how and what subjects to study, when to get up, what textbooks to use, what teacher to trust? Education is outside the area of interests and personal responsibility of the child, and this is wrong, concludes Tatiana.

  2. Montessori System
    “After a brief experience with our eldest son, our family had to drop out of public school. Overcrowded classrooms, the need to wait for each child, constant independent and control work for the sake of reporting. All this led to a high load of the child, but he did not have time to qualitatively assimilate the material. There could be no talk of additional circles, says the mother of three schoolchildren.

    “My children now go to a private school where they teach the Montessori method. They teach independence and proper time planning, but they do not pressure, do not force, but awaken the child’s natural interest in learning, take into account his physiological and psychological characteristics.”

    “There are no more than 10 students in each class, so the strength of the teacher is enough for everyone. The curriculum is built in such a way that each subject is connected with the others, which helps to understand why it is all to teach. I am also happy about the lack of homework. There are no evaluations, only internal motivation. But each time the children tell with interest what they were doing and what they learned during the day, she said.

  3. Private school
    “For my first-grader daughter, my husband and I chose a small private school. We like that you feel like you're in a big family. There are two first classes, each with 10 people. Study separately, walk together. Teachers consult with parents if there is even a small problem, says Elina.

    “For example, a teacher recently spoke to me about the fact that my daughter is worried if she does not succeed the first time. I asked him to gently inform the girl that it is not scary to be wrong.”

    “Alternative schools are very flexible. There are modern training programs, quick adjustment to the needs and capabilities of a particular child. Yes, and teachers are loaded an order of magnitude lower (including useless paperwork), and therefore child development It is better than his peers from ordinary schools, the woman said.

Of course, the existing educational system has many disadvantages. New methods are introduced for a long time, teachers are squeezed into a strict framework, and students are more interested not in fascinating knowledge of the world, but in the safe passing of exams.

On the other hand, organize for the child alternative learning It is a difficult task that requires a lot of time and financial investment from parents. Someone is ready to choose the best training programs and the best tutors, and someone is sure that his child will be able to learn everything necessary in a regular school. Who's right? Only time will tell.


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