How a Rich Girl's Face Should Look Now, The Trend Has Changed
In recent years, the beauty industry has changed a lot. Now everyone is trying to fight against imposed standards and break stereotypes. Today we will talk about how trends have changed in the last three years. Let’s talk about what was the most beautiful face in 2019 and why it’s not so.
Editorial "Site" Makes a brief excursion into modern beauty trends.
Let’s go back a bit to the past, namely in 2019. Then everyone was conquered by the trend called rich girl face. This loud phrase implied an appearance that directly shouts that the girl is wealthy. The idea is to show your status. And it was not about quality makeup and well-groomed skin.
Then some completely unrealistic standards of beauty came into fashion. The author of this trend is the famous plastic surgeon Dirk Kremer from the UK. More and more of his clients asked him to perfect his appearance. As a result of the interventions, their faces looked like they had been retouched. After that, he introduced this trend.
Interestingly, many girls as an example of perfect appearance called Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian. In fashion came all the signs of appearance that are noticeable and striking. You can call this a trend of overreach. For example, in fashion were pronounced and sharp cheekbones, large eyes and the most plump lips. It was like, "I can afford to go to the beautician!"
The whole trend is an ode to unrealistic beauty standards from the covers of glossy magazines. After all, this causes a lot of complexes and problems for ordinary girls and women. After all, the picture on the Internet is very different from reality. Many young women want to look like Bella Hadid. Therefore, the trend has become popular among young people.
GettyImages And now what? The world is moving in the right and less toxic direction. More and more famous women share their photos without makeup. They are trying to show that there is no unattainable ideal. You need to appreciate the appearance that nature gave you, not Photoshop filters and plastic surgery. In 2022, the rich girl face trend changed.
Gradually, all these standards of beauty disappear. Now it is not fashionable to excessively enlarge the lips, build up sweeping eyelashes and correct cheekbones. In the modern world, the most beautiful face is a natural face with clean skin. Nothing else. To be in trend now, you only need a couple of details: clean skin, natural eyelashes, a healthy blush and a sincere smile.
And what’s even more about the trend is just loving yourself, treating your body with care, and not paying attention to trends. You do not need to look up to models and actresses with glossy covers, but learn to appreciate your beauty. This is the main trend of this year and, hopefully, all the next years. What do you think of that?

Editorial "Site" Makes a brief excursion into modern beauty trends.
Let’s go back a bit to the past, namely in 2019. Then everyone was conquered by the trend called rich girl face. This loud phrase implied an appearance that directly shouts that the girl is wealthy. The idea is to show your status. And it was not about quality makeup and well-groomed skin.

Then some completely unrealistic standards of beauty came into fashion. The author of this trend is the famous plastic surgeon Dirk Kremer from the UK. More and more of his clients asked him to perfect his appearance. As a result of the interventions, their faces looked like they had been retouched. After that, he introduced this trend.

Interestingly, many girls as an example of perfect appearance called Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian. In fashion came all the signs of appearance that are noticeable and striking. You can call this a trend of overreach. For example, in fashion were pronounced and sharp cheekbones, large eyes and the most plump lips. It was like, "I can afford to go to the beautician!"
The whole trend is an ode to unrealistic beauty standards from the covers of glossy magazines. After all, this causes a lot of complexes and problems for ordinary girls and women. After all, the picture on the Internet is very different from reality. Many young women want to look like Bella Hadid. Therefore, the trend has become popular among young people.

GettyImages And now what? The world is moving in the right and less toxic direction. More and more famous women share their photos without makeup. They are trying to show that there is no unattainable ideal. You need to appreciate the appearance that nature gave you, not Photoshop filters and plastic surgery. In 2022, the rich girl face trend changed.

Gradually, all these standards of beauty disappear. Now it is not fashionable to excessively enlarge the lips, build up sweeping eyelashes and correct cheekbones. In the modern world, the most beautiful face is a natural face with clean skin. Nothing else. To be in trend now, you only need a couple of details: clean skin, natural eyelashes, a healthy blush and a sincere smile.

And what’s even more about the trend is just loving yourself, treating your body with care, and not paying attention to trends. You do not need to look up to models and actresses with glossy covers, but learn to appreciate your beauty. This is the main trend of this year and, hopefully, all the next years. What do you think of that?
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