Why leave a brush under the toilet lid

Every housewife probably loves the least. toilet. What pleasure can you get from cleaning the toilet and other items ā€“ breeding grounds of microbes?

We're in a hurry to grieve. The dirtiest items in the bathroom and toilet It is necessary and should be done regularly. On how to quickly cope with such an unloved task, you will now learn!

Cleaning items in the bathroom
  1. Toothbrushes and a stand for them
    In order to clean the toothbrush of germs, dip it in vinegar and leave it for an hour and a half. A stand for toothbrushes perfectly cleans the usual means for washing dishes.


    Of course, do not forget that the toothbrush should be changed every 3-4 months.

  2. Washcloth
    To kill the thousands of malignant germs that have settled on this hygiene item, you will also need vinegar. For an hour, dip the shower cloth in a solution of vinegar (hot water and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1).

  3. Razor
    Razor blades are best wiped with alcohol.

  4. Toilet rod
    After cleaning the toilet, disinfect the brush with alcohol and leave it for 10 minutes in the position shown in the photo. After washing with running water and rubbing the brush stand with alcohol.

  5. vantuz
    In the struggle for the purity of the vantus, alcohol also enters.


Detailed explanation of How to clean the dirtiest items in the bathroom and toiletYou'll see in this video.


Whatever the laziness, but clean personal hygiene items need at least every other day. Otherwise, harmful microbes and bacteria on them can cause various diseases.

And bathroom-cleaning It does not become a test for you, you do not need to constantly postpone it to another day - just do the above procedures as often as possible. It won't take long!


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