The rule of washing the toilet, so as not to waste time on general cleaning on the weekend
Cleanliness in the toilet is a prerequisite for comfort in the house and the health of its inhabitants. To care for it does not become a heavy duty, you need to maintain cleanliness regularly.
Even if everything is shiny, it does not mean that there are no germs on the toilet. In this article, we have collected a few small tricks that will allow you to easily keep the toilet in perfect condition.
Cleanliness in the toilet Microbes under the rim of the flushing gutter under the rim of the toilet was invented to ensure uniform and efficient use of the water accumulated in the drain tank. But it turned out to be the most inaccessible place where microbes hide from us.
Someone will say, “Let them hide themselves, who are they hindering?” The fact is that with each flushing of water, the so-called “toilet plume” is formed. It is a cloud of microscopic splashes that carry with them a full array of pathogenic bacteria.
Subsequently, these microscopic drops settle on furniture, walls, towels. And in the case of a combined bathroom - and on the surface of toothbrushes. Meanwhile, neutralizing this plume is not so difficult.
It is enough to spend a minute several times a week to pour a disinfectant under the rim of the toilet. If you do this before going to work, then the chemical composition will have more time to remove lime plaque and bacteria.
Why hide toothpaste in a drain tank? What not to hide unconscious citizens in a drain tank... And money and valuables, but did you have to sink toothpaste in it?
Manipulation with toothpaste will help to some extent automate the fight against bacteria under the rim of the toilet and get rid of unpleasant odors in the room.
Choose the cheapest toothpaste with the most “nuclear” smell. Make as many holes as possible in the tube and put it in a drain tank. Now each drain will refresh and even slightly disinfect the toilet.
If you are unpleasantly surprised by the scale of pollution in the drain tank, refer to our instructions for a cardinal solution to this common household problem.
The easiest way to care for the outer surface of the toilet (even if there are no special means) is to use a container with a sprayer. An alcohol solution or antiseptic can be added to it.
It is enough every morning to spray the base and rim of a faience friend, and then wipe everything with dry wipes or toilet paper. Another object of increased attention is the drain button. As statistics show, the number of bacteria on it is second only to the same under the rim of the toilet.
We do not recommend using old sponges for this purpose. Their surface will quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. And constantly keep the sponge in a chlorine-containing liquid, like a brush, will not work.
Some citizens use wet alcohol-containing wipes for this purpose. But it is important to remember that in order to avoid clogged sewers, it is undesirable to flush them into the toilet. In short, do not wait until there is an unpleasant smell and plaque. To avoid unpleasant problems, clean the toilet for at least a couple of minutes every day.

Even if everything is shiny, it does not mean that there are no germs on the toilet. In this article, we have collected a few small tricks that will allow you to easily keep the toilet in perfect condition.
Cleanliness in the toilet Microbes under the rim of the flushing gutter under the rim of the toilet was invented to ensure uniform and efficient use of the water accumulated in the drain tank. But it turned out to be the most inaccessible place where microbes hide from us.

Someone will say, “Let them hide themselves, who are they hindering?” The fact is that with each flushing of water, the so-called “toilet plume” is formed. It is a cloud of microscopic splashes that carry with them a full array of pathogenic bacteria.

Subsequently, these microscopic drops settle on furniture, walls, towels. And in the case of a combined bathroom - and on the surface of toothbrushes. Meanwhile, neutralizing this plume is not so difficult.

It is enough to spend a minute several times a week to pour a disinfectant under the rim of the toilet. If you do this before going to work, then the chemical composition will have more time to remove lime plaque and bacteria.
Why hide toothpaste in a drain tank? What not to hide unconscious citizens in a drain tank... And money and valuables, but did you have to sink toothpaste in it?

Manipulation with toothpaste will help to some extent automate the fight against bacteria under the rim of the toilet and get rid of unpleasant odors in the room.
Choose the cheapest toothpaste with the most “nuclear” smell. Make as many holes as possible in the tube and put it in a drain tank. Now each drain will refresh and even slightly disinfect the toilet.

If you are unpleasantly surprised by the scale of pollution in the drain tank, refer to our instructions for a cardinal solution to this common household problem.
The easiest way to care for the outer surface of the toilet (even if there are no special means) is to use a container with a sprayer. An alcohol solution or antiseptic can be added to it.

It is enough every morning to spray the base and rim of a faience friend, and then wipe everything with dry wipes or toilet paper. Another object of increased attention is the drain button. As statistics show, the number of bacteria on it is second only to the same under the rim of the toilet.
We do not recommend using old sponges for this purpose. Their surface will quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. And constantly keep the sponge in a chlorine-containing liquid, like a brush, will not work.

Some citizens use wet alcohol-containing wipes for this purpose. But it is important to remember that in order to avoid clogged sewers, it is undesirable to flush them into the toilet. In short, do not wait until there is an unpleasant smell and plaque. To avoid unpleasant problems, clean the toilet for at least a couple of minutes every day.
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