Swaddling a newborn for kettles, or a worthy replacement for diapers

The world’s first disposable diaper was invented in 1956. Then the prototype of the modern diaper was made on the basis of wood sawdust. Several decades passed before disposable diapers began to be mass produced, in the post-Soviet space, diapers appeared in 1995. Until that time, our grandmothers taught mothers the art of swaddling. Swaddling a newborn now is not a mandatory procedure due to the alternatives that have appeared, but diapers have dignity that no modern diaper has.

Swaddling from the first days of life allows the baby to gradually adapt to the frightening size of the vast world. Until recently, the baby was under the protection of the mother in her womb, and now he has much to learn on his own. Pediatricians recommend swaddling a baby for the first few weeks of life.

There are a great many diapers for babies: disposable and reusable, with fragrance and without, for boys and girls. There are also special diapers for the youngest. It is believed that diapers in the first days of life do not wear only until the baby’s navel heals. Then the choice is for the mother: diapers or diapers.

Diapers, by the way, are also disposable. But all this results in a young mother in a tidy sum, because the child in the first months needs to change the diaper up to 10 times a day. To save money, mothers choose diapers, but this is not the only reason for preferring diapers to diapers.

In the diaper, the child sleeps much stronger. A small package is less worried and feels good, wrapped in a diaper. Young children can wake themselves with their hands, waking up, the baby is often frightened and begins to cry. Previously, it was believed that swaddling a child should be tight so that his legs grow even. Later it turned out that such swaddling harms physical health. So it is better to swaddle the baby freely.

With free swaddling, the handles and legs of the child will not interfere with sound sleep, the legs can move and develop normally. After 2 months, you can swaddle a child without hands. A diaper is a universal thing, it is not necessary to buy it, and from a normal piece of fabric measuring 90 by 120 cm, you can design not only a convolution in half a minute, but also a diaper for a child.

It seems that diapers are the perfect invention that makes life easier for mothers. Yes, it is not necessary to wash disposable diapers, but it is very difficult to find suitable diapers. The price of diapers does not guarantee that the item will not leak or rub the delicate skin of the baby. In addition, even the most “breathable” diapers can cause irritation and diaper rash.

The size is a mess. Sometimes mothers have to buy several different packs of diapers at once to find the right size and shape for the baby. And if you consider that the child is growing, then this trouble continues until the mother begins to wean the child from diapers. Unlike purchased diapers, a homemade diaper from a diaper can literally be made of the right size immediately. It happens that diapers end at the most inopportune moment, that’s when we use the wisdom of previous generations, take a diaper and solve the problem in a minute.

One diaper decomposes up to 500 years. Great demand for disposable hygiene products for mothers and babies is ruining the environment. Of course, there are biodegradable diapers, in our time. But, of course, they cost twice as much as usual. Even if you use cotton diapers once, the fabric will not harm the planet and children will grow up in good ecological conditions. And you can stock up on cotton diapers and use them repeatedly, wash and iron - it's a bit inconvenient, but you will wisely manage natural resources and save a decent amount for something more pleasant in the future.


Many mothers combine diapers and diapers, which at times reduces the cost of disposable hygiene products and allows you to decide on the choice. There is no consensus on what is better to choose. Pros and cons are everywhere. It is also customary to swaddle the child at night and give him freedom of action during the day, at this time there is a question about where the baby will relieve himself. And on a walk or when a child needs to be left with an ignorant father, a diaper comes to the rescue. Which do you think is better: diapers or diapers?


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