Professor Husband Helped Do His Son’s Lessons and Became Confused by Solving This Example
It is very important for children to learn how to handle numbers. And often it is on the shoulders of parents that this important task falls, if in school the child for some reason could not qualitatively assimilate the material. But How to Teach Your Child to Set Examples? Only regularly do a variety of tasks with him.
And today's edition. "Site" It offers some interesting examples that confuse even adults and educated people. Although there is nothing complicated here, and every student (except the youngest) is obliged to find a solution without difficulty. Try to decide on your own or with the child.
How to teach a child to solve examples
Suggestions for examples
Also solve our recent problems, which help to distract from negativity. And then there are other examples that train the ability to operate with numbers. This kind of pastime won't hurt.
And today's edition. "Site" It offers some interesting examples that confuse even adults and educated people. Although there is nothing complicated here, and every student (except the youngest) is obliged to find a solution without difficulty. Try to decide on your own or with the child.

How to teach a child to solve examples
- In the first example, there are only two arithmetic operations: addition and division. And this is a cunning test of how well the subject knows the basic rules of mathematics. Remember what a teacher who taught numbers in junior high used to say. Then it will be easy to set an example.
- The second task has brackets that must be handled correctly. See if they're confusing you in this case. Keep in mind that there is only one right solution. Although many people for some reason believe that such examples have at least two completely different answers.
- In the third example, the main difficulty is that you need to divide the number by decimal fraction. It’s normal, but do you remember how to do it? Check your knowledge and find the right answer. Check out our tips in the second half of the article.
Suggestions for examples
- When solving the first example, you need to take into account that division is always done first, and only then we add. So we get 5 + (5 ÷ 5) + (6 ÷ 2) = 5 + 1 + 3 = 9. Those who forget the above rule end up with a 4.
- In the second example, first open the brackets, and then perform all operations from left to right. So we get 12 ÷ 3 × 4 = 4 × 4 = 16. Although some people manage to get one here, this answer is wrong.
- To correctly solve the third example, remember that dividing by 0.5 is like multiplying by 2. So 6 – 2 × 2 + 1 = 6 – 4 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3. How much did you do?
Also solve our recent problems, which help to distract from negativity. And then there are other examples that train the ability to operate with numbers. This kind of pastime won't hurt.
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Old people are sure that they are not needed anywhere, afraid to leave the house and stubborn.