What carefree parents do not know that they strive to “be on the same wavelength” with children
We often recall Fathers and Sons to see this complex contrast. We were just kids and we were indignant about why our parents were teaching us, and now we have become such children. Oh, that weird one. parentage. How do you know what's going on? And, importantly, how do you stay in the stream?
Editorial "Site" In this matter, I tend to turn everything upside down. How else can we understand modern youth? This is an interesting psychological incident. Psychologists say that if you no longer understand children and their hobbies, it only tells you that it’s time for the dustbin of history. In the literal sense of the word.
Life has accelerated and is changing very quickly. Time itself seems to have changed its structure. It was Monday and it was weekend again. It might even be scary. And kids. They grow too fast. They become individualists too quickly. They have their own views. I had no time to remember when they suddenly moved to a rented apartment and provide for themselves.
And if all this is unacceptable, then this is old age. Children will not stop loving you, but they will be condescending. They'll be like nurses for you. They will regret to know that your development stopped And it's unlikely that your potential will be greater. Anyway, I'm still alive. That's a disappointing conclusion.
How do you check? You need to try on the world of your children. If you can learn something from this, then you are “in the ladies”. It is a mistake to think that they have no hobbies or that they do not read books. They're just reading other books. They listen to other music. You may not like it, but you can try to figure out what’s wrong with it.
You may be surprised, but it may turn out that some of your youth is also familiar to them. It is a classic for them, but a fact. Therefore, do not think that children level your values. They know what is important to you and can even discuss it with each other. You'll probably be considered old. So what? You think they're young, right?
The connection between parents and children is another interesting point. It is not clear where they get their money, because they do not “plow” as we used to do. They probably won't. And if they do, it’s not exactly as we think. At least because they themselves production changed. Why don't you figure out what they do and how they do it? Maybe you can make some profit, too?
Don’t say, “Here I am at your age.” Come on, how old are you? What have you done that children today can learn from? This does not mean that everything was useless and unimportant. It's just that your knowledge has been transformed, absorbed and taken on a different look. And that's okay.
It is worth considering that modernity It sets high standards. Young people today are experiencing tremendous competition. That is why they are so creative and, let us not fear the word, wise. Pragmatic, selfish, they see their goals that are inaccessible to us. But who said it was bad? Why do we take the liberty of evaluating their achievements and achievements?
In our opinion, it is better to enter into communication. It's a real challenge - you, them. Not leisure, but also an attempt to conform. Not trying to please them, but at least trying to understand. Isn’t it nice to realize at some point that kids aren’t just kids, they’re close friends you’re interested in. It costs them to admit that you keep growing.
The wisdom of life is not only to teach, but also to learn. Wisdom may be coming, but that doesn’t mean it will be valuable to your children. If they don’t know, they will ask you. Write in the comments how you are built. childbirth. Are you trying to teach them the right way of life, or are you trying to learn something from them?
Parent-child relationships It can be too strong. And it's important not to overdo it. You can easily go to the dustbin of history. Read our article about how an elderly German taught a child to value every penny so that he did not slip into stinginess. Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" In this matter, I tend to turn everything upside down. How else can we understand modern youth? This is an interesting psychological incident. Psychologists say that if you no longer understand children and their hobbies, it only tells you that it’s time for the dustbin of history. In the literal sense of the word.
Life has accelerated and is changing very quickly. Time itself seems to have changed its structure. It was Monday and it was weekend again. It might even be scary. And kids. They grow too fast. They become individualists too quickly. They have their own views. I had no time to remember when they suddenly moved to a rented apartment and provide for themselves.

And if all this is unacceptable, then this is old age. Children will not stop loving you, but they will be condescending. They'll be like nurses for you. They will regret to know that your development stopped And it's unlikely that your potential will be greater. Anyway, I'm still alive. That's a disappointing conclusion.
How do you check? You need to try on the world of your children. If you can learn something from this, then you are “in the ladies”. It is a mistake to think that they have no hobbies or that they do not read books. They're just reading other books. They listen to other music. You may not like it, but you can try to figure out what’s wrong with it.

You may be surprised, but it may turn out that some of your youth is also familiar to them. It is a classic for them, but a fact. Therefore, do not think that children level your values. They know what is important to you and can even discuss it with each other. You'll probably be considered old. So what? You think they're young, right?
The connection between parents and children is another interesting point. It is not clear where they get their money, because they do not “plow” as we used to do. They probably won't. And if they do, it’s not exactly as we think. At least because they themselves production changed. Why don't you figure out what they do and how they do it? Maybe you can make some profit, too?

Don’t say, “Here I am at your age.” Come on, how old are you? What have you done that children today can learn from? This does not mean that everything was useless and unimportant. It's just that your knowledge has been transformed, absorbed and taken on a different look. And that's okay.
It is worth considering that modernity It sets high standards. Young people today are experiencing tremendous competition. That is why they are so creative and, let us not fear the word, wise. Pragmatic, selfish, they see their goals that are inaccessible to us. But who said it was bad? Why do we take the liberty of evaluating their achievements and achievements?

In our opinion, it is better to enter into communication. It's a real challenge - you, them. Not leisure, but also an attempt to conform. Not trying to please them, but at least trying to understand. Isn’t it nice to realize at some point that kids aren’t just kids, they’re close friends you’re interested in. It costs them to admit that you keep growing.
The wisdom of life is not only to teach, but also to learn. Wisdom may be coming, but that doesn’t mean it will be valuable to your children. If they don’t know, they will ask you. Write in the comments how you are built. childbirth. Are you trying to teach them the right way of life, or are you trying to learn something from them?

Parent-child relationships It can be too strong. And it's important not to overdo it. You can easily go to the dustbin of history. Read our article about how an elderly German taught a child to value every penny so that he did not slip into stinginess. Thank you for staying with us!
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