I did not give in to the persuasion of a cunning seller that I wanted to sell Chinese consumer goods.
Quality down jackets They don't lie on the road! To catch a really good thing from the sea, you need to know what to pay attention to first. Winter is coming, so let’s look into it. We will not touch on fashion trends. Today we will talk about the main indicators of the quality of outerwear.
Quality down jackets: how to choose fabric, seams, fittings, cuffs and finishes - the first thing that catches the eye when choosing a down jacket. Winter outerwear should have a dense waterproof fabric of high quality. Thanks to her, you will not be afraid of either wet snow or fierce snowfall. Sometimes manufacturers do this. special impregnation of fabric. In this case, your down jacket will even better repel moisture.
It happens that visually the down jacket looks a hundred, but in fact after a week the filler begins to climb out of it. To prevent this from happening, carefully inspect the inner lining when buying. It should be well lined, with smooth and strong seams.
Carefully check the integrity and reliability of fittings: buttons, buttons, fasteners and zippers. The latter in any case should not be caught during fitting. This indicates the low quality of the product. Usually, any down jacket is accompanied by a bag with a spare button or button. If it is not, most likely, the production is simply saved. It shouldn't be like that.
Quality winter jackets are sewn differently. However, we advise choosing models with a hood and rubber bands on the cuffs and the bottom of the thing. Thanks to these elements, even in the most severe frost, you will feel warmth.
Choosing outer clothing, be sure to study label with product information. There you will find the composition of the fabric and the type of filler. Also, the label will indicate at what temperature you can wash the down jacket. By the way, we advise not to do this manually, but to take the thing to dry cleaning. So you're sure to extend her service.
As for the filler, there is a lot to talk about. First, a really good manufacturer must attach a sample of filler to each product. Secondly, there are many different types of fillers. For example, down, feather, vatin, syntepon, hollofiber, isosoft and others. Depending on the type of filler, the cost of the product changes.
If you do not like when outerwear constrains movement, but you want to stay warm, choose a down jacket with a synthetic filler. And if in your region winters are fierce and frosty, you should pay attention to the product with down and feather. The composition, as a rule, should be about 70-80% down and 20-30% feather.
In addition, each filler has its own density. The higher it is, the better the jacket will warm you. Do not buy a down jacket with a filler density below 550. This indicator should also be indicated on the manufacturer’s label. By the way, we share a simple way to check the quality of the filler. If after compression it quickly restores its shape, such a down jacket can be safely bought.
The types of fillers are really very, very many. You can talk about each of them separately. For example, the most practical, but at the same time easy, is considered tinsuleit. Be sure to research this before buying outerwear. We share our article in which you will find the answers to all questions.
The down jacket made of natural down and feather Winter jackets with natural filler have both minuses and pros. For example, such a down jacket will last you much more years than a synthetic one. However, with the washing of this product alone you can not cope. We'll have to dry clean it. In addition, many people have allergies to fluff. So before buying, it is best to make sure that you can definitely wear such a thing.
If you still want to buy just such a winter jacket, pay attention to how well it is lined. Conscientious manufacturers often make blocks of about 20 * 20 cm on the product. And within each section, the filler is distributed evenly.
When choosing a down jacket, first of all, we advise to focus on its quality. However, I want a warm jacket to please the eye. So think in advance what shoes and accessories you will flaunt along the snowy streets of your city.
Recently, my colleague Olga Melnik told me what down jackets will be in fashion in the coming season. I am sure that her selection will inspire you to buy something not only high-quality, but also relevant!

Quality down jackets: how to choose fabric, seams, fittings, cuffs and finishes - the first thing that catches the eye when choosing a down jacket. Winter outerwear should have a dense waterproof fabric of high quality. Thanks to her, you will not be afraid of either wet snow or fierce snowfall. Sometimes manufacturers do this. special impregnation of fabric. In this case, your down jacket will even better repel moisture.
It happens that visually the down jacket looks a hundred, but in fact after a week the filler begins to climb out of it. To prevent this from happening, carefully inspect the inner lining when buying. It should be well lined, with smooth and strong seams.

Carefully check the integrity and reliability of fittings: buttons, buttons, fasteners and zippers. The latter in any case should not be caught during fitting. This indicates the low quality of the product. Usually, any down jacket is accompanied by a bag with a spare button or button. If it is not, most likely, the production is simply saved. It shouldn't be like that.
Quality winter jackets are sewn differently. However, we advise choosing models with a hood and rubber bands on the cuffs and the bottom of the thing. Thanks to these elements, even in the most severe frost, you will feel warmth.
Choosing outer clothing, be sure to study label with product information. There you will find the composition of the fabric and the type of filler. Also, the label will indicate at what temperature you can wash the down jacket. By the way, we advise not to do this manually, but to take the thing to dry cleaning. So you're sure to extend her service.
As for the filler, there is a lot to talk about. First, a really good manufacturer must attach a sample of filler to each product. Secondly, there are many different types of fillers. For example, down, feather, vatin, syntepon, hollofiber, isosoft and others. Depending on the type of filler, the cost of the product changes.

If you do not like when outerwear constrains movement, but you want to stay warm, choose a down jacket with a synthetic filler. And if in your region winters are fierce and frosty, you should pay attention to the product with down and feather. The composition, as a rule, should be about 70-80% down and 20-30% feather.
In addition, each filler has its own density. The higher it is, the better the jacket will warm you. Do not buy a down jacket with a filler density below 550. This indicator should also be indicated on the manufacturer’s label. By the way, we share a simple way to check the quality of the filler. If after compression it quickly restores its shape, such a down jacket can be safely bought.
The types of fillers are really very, very many. You can talk about each of them separately. For example, the most practical, but at the same time easy, is considered tinsuleit. Be sure to research this before buying outerwear. We share our article in which you will find the answers to all questions.
The down jacket made of natural down and feather Winter jackets with natural filler have both minuses and pros. For example, such a down jacket will last you much more years than a synthetic one. However, with the washing of this product alone you can not cope. We'll have to dry clean it. In addition, many people have allergies to fluff. So before buying, it is best to make sure that you can definitely wear such a thing.

If you still want to buy just such a winter jacket, pay attention to how well it is lined. Conscientious manufacturers often make blocks of about 20 * 20 cm on the product. And within each section, the filler is distributed evenly.
When choosing a down jacket, first of all, we advise to focus on its quality. However, I want a warm jacket to please the eye. So think in advance what shoes and accessories you will flaunt along the snowy streets of your city.

Recently, my colleague Olga Melnik told me what down jackets will be in fashion in the coming season. I am sure that her selection will inspire you to buy something not only high-quality, but also relevant!
The poor thing inherited only an old umbrella, opened it, and then something smacked on her head.
The police arrived on a call and found an old woman with a broken arm, she did not eat for a couple of days.