The baby spontaneously washed the down jacket, he terribly lost, but the grandmother was able to return him to the divine appearance.
Exterior clothing can be capricious in care. This is especially true for jackets and coats with fillers - both natural and synthetic. Sooner or later it is time to wash, and the wrong actions lead to bitter disappointment. But don't despair! We're with the editors. "Site" We'll tell you. How to save the situation if the down jacket after washing is lost.
The jacket after washing lost: what to do? If the worst still happened and the filler inside the down jacket is lost, do not rush to write off your jacket and run to the store for a new one. Perhaps all is not lost!
Of course, eliminating the consequences of improper washing takes time and does not always lead to the desired result. Therefore, we recommend comply with the rules of washing and drying outer clothes.
Have you ever faced a situation where the filler of the down jacket went down after washing? Tell us in the comments if you managed to restore the thing and how. By the way, we have a useful article on the restoration of leather shoes - we recommend to look and take life hacks on note.

The jacket after washing lost: what to do? If the worst still happened and the filler inside the down jacket is lost, do not rush to write off your jacket and run to the store for a new one. Perhaps all is not lost!
- First, try to spread the product on a horizontal surface. straightener. Especially in the places where he went. Then you need to pinch your jacket a little bit. Turn over the product, repeat the tingling. This should be done until the appearance of the jacket is close to the original.
- The filler can also be whipped washing-machine. Put the dried product in the car, put tennis balls inside and turn on the press. A dry jacket will spin in the drum, while the balls will break the lumps of filler. After this procedure, the down jacket needs to be shaken a little and additionally whipped with your hands.
- Another unusual way. vacuuming. If the fabric of the top is quite dense, walk through the thing with a vacuum cleaner without a nozzle, at a small power. Act carefully - in small, jerky movements. Also, the vacuum cleaner can be used a little differently: We put the jacket in a tight bag, squeeze air out of it. We leave a small hole, put the vacuum cleaner on the blow. From the pressure of air down evenly distributed throughout the area of the product and straightened.
- Instead of a vacuum cleaner can be used carpeter Or a fly swatter. It's simple: put your clothes on your shoulders, fasten all the buttons and zippers. Then, with neat tapping movements, walk across the entire surface of the product.
- If the above methods do not help, of course, you can resort to drastically. First, we determine where the filler crumpled the most. Next, you need to open the lining and straighten the filler with your hands. If it is a syntepon, it can be secured in several places with a needle and thread. After the filler is straightened evenly, the lining is sewn again. Of course, this method will take a lot of time and justifies itself only if the jacket is really pathetic and the option of buying a new one is not considered. If the deformity is too strong or you do not want to mess, You can give the jacket to the sewing workshop.Where the professionals will help to restore it.
Of course, eliminating the consequences of improper washing takes time and does not always lead to the desired result. Therefore, we recommend comply with the rules of washing and drying outer clothes.
- Before washing carefully tagIt's on the back of the jacket. He should give us all the information about the care of the product.
- So that the filler does not get lost, it is better handwash. Pollution should be removed carefully, preserving the shape of the product. The jacket can be laid out at the bottom of the bathroom and gently rubbed with a soft brush or sponge, then rinse and dry in a horizontal position. If the manufacturer allows machine washing, study limitationsWhat should be the temperature of the water (usually no more than 40 degrees), whether the pressing, and other nuances. For example, syntepon refers to those fillers that cannot be pressed in a typewriter.
- In order to prevent the filling, it is better Immediately after washing, straighten the product with your handsShake your jacket.
- It is recommended to dry jackets on a horizontal surface, periodically turning and shaking during the drying process. You can not dry down jackets on the shoulders.As the filler rolls down. It is also not recommended to dry clothes in compressed form.
- To speed up the drying process, you can place things near heating devices. but by no means on them.. First, the filler from severe heat sticks together and loses shape, and secondly, a fire hazard situation is created.
Have you ever faced a situation where the filler of the down jacket went down after washing? Tell us in the comments if you managed to restore the thing and how. By the way, we have a useful article on the restoration of leather shoes - we recommend to look and take life hacks on note.
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