Bee bites were prescribed to his patients by Hippocrates. Severe joint lesions disappear!
In ancient times venom It has been used to cure dozens of diseases. K apitherapy Hippocrates and Galen ran. And the Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible applied live bees to sick joints, thus struggling with gout.
Treatment with bee stings occurs with the help of apitoxin - a special natural substance. It looks like a yellow liquid that emits a characteristic smell. With a long stay in the air, bee venom becomes thick, and over time hardens.
Undoubtedly, apitoxin has a mass of useful substances, it contains peptides, about 20 amino acids, protein compounds, fats, carbohydrates, histamine and minerals. With one bite, the bee emits about 0.3 grams of apitoxin.
Today, treatment with bee stings is again gaining popularity. Treatment courses help people get rid of diseases such as osteochondrosis, varicose veins, prostatitis, multiple sclerosis and not only. Let’s see how bee stings are treated in practice!
Treatment for bee stings
Going to treat sore joints with apitherapy, it is worth learning about some of the nuances of this process. On the first day of treatment, the doctor will produce only one bee bite, on the second day - two, on the third - three. Until the tenth day. The second course should be carried out in 4-5 days. The second stage of treatment should last at least 1.5 months.
Have you experienced the miraculous effects of apitherapy? Be sure to share your impressions in the comments.

Treatment with bee stings occurs with the help of apitoxin - a special natural substance. It looks like a yellow liquid that emits a characteristic smell. With a long stay in the air, bee venom becomes thick, and over time hardens.

Undoubtedly, apitoxin has a mass of useful substances, it contains peptides, about 20 amino acids, protein compounds, fats, carbohydrates, histamine and minerals. With one bite, the bee emits about 0.3 grams of apitoxin.

Today, treatment with bee stings is again gaining popularity. Treatment courses help people get rid of diseases such as osteochondrosis, varicose veins, prostatitis, multiple sclerosis and not only. Let’s see how bee stings are treated in practice!

Treatment for bee stings
- The first step is a bioassay. The doctor produces a single stinging of the patient in the lumbar region. Then, for an hour, it is observed whether the patient has an allergic reaction to bee venom. If immunity does not respond aggressively, therapy can be performed.
- A mandatory point - before treatment with bee venom, a number of laboratory studies are carried out. Examine blood (tests for hemoglobin, leukocytes, red blood cells and ESR) and urine (tests for sugar and protein).
- After obtaining accurate test results, the laboratory sample is repeated again.
- Treatment with live bees is similar to acupuncture. Therapy is carried out point-by-point, by applying the bee to a certain bodily zone. After the bite, the insect is removed, and the sting along with the healing apitoxin remains in the upper layer of the skin for another 5-10 minutes.
- Each course of treatment is carried out with a gradual increase in the number of bites, as well as small breaks between the stages of recovery.
Going to treat sore joints with apitherapy, it is worth learning about some of the nuances of this process. On the first day of treatment, the doctor will produce only one bee bite, on the second day - two, on the third - three. Until the tenth day. The second course should be carried out in 4-5 days. The second stage of treatment should last at least 1.5 months.

Have you experienced the miraculous effects of apitherapy? Be sure to share your impressions in the comments.
Leto vot-vot legitimise, and you still haven't prepared your dessert? Wrong, another!
That's why Muslims and Jews don't eat pork. I always thought differently.