These tips are older than your great-grandmother. I checked, they're working!
In 1910, the tobacco company Gallaher Ltd. issued a series of 100 How-to’s cigarette cards. These images quickly became collectibles. They're very rare now. There have been instances where non-smokers have bought cigarettes, wanting another rare card.
The New York Public Library has digitized them to remind us of these extremely practical tips. Surprisingly, life-course 100 years ago has not lost its relevance! Anyone can use them and appreciate the wisdom of our ancestors.
Everyday tips
We will not be able to bring all 100 life hacks from the How-to’s set within one article. If Useful advice for every day Try to get acquainted with the original solution of household problems from our editorial office.

The New York Public Library has digitized them to remind us of these extremely practical tips. Surprisingly, life-course 100 years ago has not lost its relevance! Anyone can use them and appreciate the wisdom of our ancestors.
Everyday tips
- How to restore freshness to cut flowers If the bouquet begins to fade, the flowers can return to a fresh look. To do this, "Gallagher" recommends putting them in hot water. When the water cools, it is necessary to trim the tips of the stems and move the flowers into a vase with cold water.
- How to distinguish butter from margarine Who would have thought this was a problem in 1910? To check if the oil is real, card number 17 advises to lubricate the paper and set it on fire. During combustion, natural butter will exude a pleasant aroma, and margarine will have a nasty smell.
- The Best Way to Clean New Shoes Rub your new shoes with half a lemon and let them dry. After that, they will be cleaned easily!
- What to do if you stretch your ligaments Lift the affected limb higher and wrap with a bandage soaked in cold water. The picture shows how to make the bandages remain wet and do not need to be changed. The water from the jug will gradually drain onto the compress through the bandage.
- What to do if the glasses are stuck When one glass gets stuck in another, there is a danger of breaking them when separated. The easiest and most effective way to divide them is to pour into the top glass of cold water, and lower into the hot one. They'll split up right away.
- How to check if the bed in the hotel room is damp Those who often sleep in hotels, know that sleeping in a damp bed is very unpleasant, and also unsafe for health. Quickly check the dryness of the bed will help the usual mirror. We need to put it under the sheet for a few minutes. If the mirror is covered with vapor, you need to demand another bed.
- How to make delicious potatoes To boiled potatoes turned crumbly, you need during cooking, in addition to salt, add a pinch of sugar to the pan. When the potatoes are cooked, it is necessary to drain the decoction, put the pan on the fire again and periodically shake the contents for a minute or two, giving the potatoes evenly dry.
- How to remove ink stains from a scarf Fresh ink stain can be easily removed with milk. You need to place the stained object in a dish with milk, and the stains will begin to disappear literally before your eyes.
- How to Make a Chicken Drink Chicken drinkers can be made with the help of an ordinary wine bottle and plate, constructing the design shown in the figure. The distance between the edge of the bottle neck and the bottom of the plate should be a little more than a centimeter.
- How to Make Vases More Sustainable Partly fill the vases with sand, which will make them more stable, forming a center of gravity at the bottom. This method is especially good for vases with a narrow bottom.
- How not to get dirty when painting When you paint with a brush, sooner or later the paint will flow along the handle of the brush and then on the hands and clothes. To prevent this from happening, take a small piece of cardboard and cut a hole in it. Tightly insert the brush into the hole and get to work.
- How to insert a candle into a narrow candlestick If the candle is too thick for your candle holder, do not rush to cut it: dip the end of the candle into hot water - so the wax will melt. Now, if you try to put a candle in the candlestick, it will enter easily!
We will not be able to bring all 100 life hacks from the How-to’s set within one article. If Useful advice for every day Try to get acquainted with the original solution of household problems from our editorial office.
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