Mathematical tricks for worried moms
For many people, mathematics is like a dark forest, and it seems impossible to understand all this. But what if we looked at it from a different angle? For example, to think of mathematics not as something complicated and boring, but as a curious puzzle. To this end, we propose 10 Mathematical TricksThat will change your understanding of mathematics. It's not in any textbook!
How to teach your child math 10 tricks
Mathematics doesn’t seem so boring anymore, does it? Thanks to these tricks, you can Explain mathematics to a child And make the solution of examples interesting and exciting!
You can also share these tricks with your friends. I'm sure they'll need it.
How to teach your child math 10 tricks
- Multiplication of numbers consisting of units by themselves
Take this table into service, it will be easier to solve such examples with it. - The butterfly method for adding and subtracting fractions
Understanding this scheme is very easy. In the selected example, multiply the numbers diagonally. If fractions need to be added, the resulting numbers also need to be added, similarly when subtracting. This will be our numerator. After multiplying the numbers in the denominator, we get the answer! - The secret of multiplying numbers by 11
Consider the following example: 63 × 11.
To solve it, you just need to add the numbers 6 + 3 = 9, and then place the nine between the six and the three. Here's our solution: 693. But it's too early to relax: it's only half of what you need to know.
Let’s say the example is 85×11.
Although 8 + 5 = 13, the answer is not 8135. As before, the number 3 is placed between the numbers 8 and 5, but 1 is added to the number 8 to get the correct answer 935. - Can this method be used for numbers with large numbers? Absolutely!
It's a little more complicated here, but don't worry, you'll succeed. For example: 13432 × 11 – the answer will still begin with 1 and end with 2, and since 1 + 3 = 4; 3 + 4 = 7; 3 + 4 = 7 and 3 + 2 = 5, the answer will be 147752. - We find a fraction of a whole number.
Use this scheme and forget about the problems with fractions! That's the answer to the question. How to Teach Your Child to Solve Mathematical Examples. - Multiplying by 9 is easier than you think!
This funny pattern will help you easily remember the multiplication table by 9 forever. - Turn complex multiplication into simple examples
This trick is already a bit like magic. All you have to do is subtract the multipliers from 100, and add and multiply the products. The amount subtracted from 100 is the first part of the answer and the product is the second. - This is another way to multiply large numbers.
- Remembering the number of pi now will not be difficult.
- You can easily find a percentage of the number.
Mathematics doesn’t seem so boring anymore, does it? Thanks to these tricks, you can Explain mathematics to a child And make the solution of examples interesting and exciting!
You can also share these tricks with your friends. I'm sure they'll need it.
Threw 10 maple leaves and 3 spoonfuls of soda in the pan. When you see why, you will do the same.
This information will not allow you to die in an extreme situation!