How to continue having fun in old age

We are all afraid of getting old and want to stay young for as long as possible. We are frightened and told that in 50 years we will become irrevocably old, someone perceives this figure as the end of everything. This is why the so-called lost age syndrome occurs. Have you ever heard of that?

If not, then the editorial board "Site" He will tell you about it and share his thoughts. Vladimir Yakovlev on this score. It's all very interesting, by the way.

To begin with, it is worth finding out what this age is and why it is so called. Lost is considered the age from 50 to 70 years. This time in our lives does not exist, and all because of the prejudices in our heads. During this period, a person struggles to still be young, and then simply admits with anguish that he is old.

As a result, this huge piece of life just disappears, goes to waste. He could have been the best of his life. 50 is still there. active ageAfter which it is time to live in pleasure. However, few people realize it and understand it in time.

Some people think that after 55 or 60 years about the pleasure of life can be safely forgotten. Nothing like that! The secret is simple: do not try to live after 55, like at 30 or 40 years. But what do we do then?

Vladimir recommends not to live in the past, but to move on, to develop. You don’t try to live at 30 like you did at 15. At 30, we don’t listen to music like we do at 15, or play with dolls. But no one says life ends at 30? Of course not.

This does not mean that we get less pleasure from our hobbies and life in general. It just means we find something else that brings us joy. Same thing at 50. Don’t try to live like you did in your 30s or 40s, look for something new.

Vladimir Yakovlev says: I have heard many times from different people about a curious phenomenon. Around the age of 50-55, many people feel that something in life is over, and something else that should have started at that moment, nevertheless, has not begun. Simply put, there is a kind of break in life, a pause that, sadly enough, can last a long, long time until death.

And it's all in our hands. And most importantly, setting goals. What do we tell ourselves after 50? I want to rest no worse than before, work no worse than before, and so on. However, this is the main mistake.

Many people after 50 are overtaken by sadness, they feel that something has changed in life and will not be the same as before. Of course not. Everything will be different, and therefore you need a new goal: one that does not try to repeat your life, but to make it better.

Make a goal to live better than before. Get even more pleasure, impressions and vivid emotions. Look better, relax more fun, and have more fun. It is in this way that life will make sense. Try it, it's much more interesting.

As long as you think that after 50 joy is in the past, nothing will change. You need to learn to let go of the past and allow yourself to live fully in the here and now. Allow yourself to make new friends, find a new hobby or job, go on a trip you never dreamed of.

You have many more years of active, fun life, filled with adventure and emotions. If you allow yourself to think that way, start living at 50 instead of 40, then things will be very different. Then no syndrome of lost age will overtake you, because these years will be in your life, and they will be the brightest!

There are many people who prove this fact by example. Like, for example, the charming Heidi Hetzer, who made a trip around the world at the age of 77.

Recently, we also shared with you Vladimir Yakovlev’s thoughts on getting better after 50. And his thoughts on old age and happiness. There's a lot to think about!

What do you think of that? Tell me in the comments!


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