How to propagate orchids by dividing the bush
The orchid is a unique plant that blooms several times a year for several months, without requiring special care. Therefore, it is very popular among lovers of home flowers.
The orchid came to us from tropical latitudes and surprisingly acclimatized and adapted to our conditions. The plant does not develop in the ground, but in a special substrate, which once a year must be changed to a new one. Requires relatively infrequent watering, approximately every two weeks. He doesn't like direct sunlight. Even the busiest person can create such conditions.
The orchid flowers are different in color, but about the same shape with flowers. These nuances are determined by the type of plant.
In order not to buy a new orchid every time, you can breed it yourself. One of the most common ways of reproduction is the way of dividing the bush.
In the spring, a healthy overgrown plant with many sprouts is removed from the pot. Carefully separate the rhizomes from the substrate. Make sure that the roots are clean. Then cut them with garden scissors so that there are several pseudobulbs on each plant.
All sections are treated with either wood powder or hydrogen peroxide. And they plant it in a new substrate. During the rooting period, the orchid is watered or sprayed daily. The rooting of the orchid is evidenced by the appearance of new shoots.
Reproduction of orchids at home It is not difficult, but requires some knowledge. The first method of reproduction is rootingIt's the lightest. But there are others.
Like flowernoses. They are cut off, placed in a vessel with water to a depth of 5 centimeters. A tablet of activated carbon is thrown into the water. And from the sleeping kidney, which is above the water level, a semicircular scale is removed. Lubricate it with cytokine ointment and wait for awakening.
Or cutting, a vegetative method in which there is a division of the stem of the flower into parts. The lower leaves of the plant are removed. Slices are sterilized with wood or activated charcoal. When new roots grow above the slices, the cut is made slightly below the new roots that have appeared. Again sterilized and ready for independent development cutting is planted in the substrate.
The most exquisite method of reproduction is seedlings. Most often they are bought ready-made in a glass flask. From there they are taken out, washed with water. For 5 minutes soaked in a solution of permanganate. Then put on a paper towel and let dry. Planted into the substrate at a shallow depth. Placed in a bright place with a temperature of 20 to 24 ° C and maintain a high moisture level.
Read more about how to care for orchids and stimulate their flowering in our articles. Follow the links. Let these plants decorate your home and please the eye with a flowering view.
The orchid came to us from tropical latitudes and surprisingly acclimatized and adapted to our conditions. The plant does not develop in the ground, but in a special substrate, which once a year must be changed to a new one. Requires relatively infrequent watering, approximately every two weeks. He doesn't like direct sunlight. Even the busiest person can create such conditions.
The orchid flowers are different in color, but about the same shape with flowers. These nuances are determined by the type of plant.

In order not to buy a new orchid every time, you can breed it yourself. One of the most common ways of reproduction is the way of dividing the bush.
In the spring, a healthy overgrown plant with many sprouts is removed from the pot. Carefully separate the rhizomes from the substrate. Make sure that the roots are clean. Then cut them with garden scissors so that there are several pseudobulbs on each plant.

All sections are treated with either wood powder or hydrogen peroxide. And they plant it in a new substrate. During the rooting period, the orchid is watered or sprayed daily. The rooting of the orchid is evidenced by the appearance of new shoots.

Reproduction of orchids at home It is not difficult, but requires some knowledge. The first method of reproduction is rootingIt's the lightest. But there are others.
Like flowernoses. They are cut off, placed in a vessel with water to a depth of 5 centimeters. A tablet of activated carbon is thrown into the water. And from the sleeping kidney, which is above the water level, a semicircular scale is removed. Lubricate it with cytokine ointment and wait for awakening.
Or cutting, a vegetative method in which there is a division of the stem of the flower into parts. The lower leaves of the plant are removed. Slices are sterilized with wood or activated charcoal. When new roots grow above the slices, the cut is made slightly below the new roots that have appeared. Again sterilized and ready for independent development cutting is planted in the substrate.

The most exquisite method of reproduction is seedlings. Most often they are bought ready-made in a glass flask. From there they are taken out, washed with water. For 5 minutes soaked in a solution of permanganate. Then put on a paper towel and let dry. Planted into the substrate at a shallow depth. Placed in a bright place with a temperature of 20 to 24 ° C and maintain a high moisture level.

Read more about how to care for orchids and stimulate their flowering in our articles. Follow the links. Let these plants decorate your home and please the eye with a flowering view.