How to use a plastic bottle to grow legume sprouts
None of the products can compare with the sprouts of beans and grains in terms of nutrition, because they contain many vitamins and nutrients. Do not buy canned beans, as manufacturers add a lot of salt to them.
It is much better to grow beans at home: so you will not only save money, but also do a favor to your body. The use of sprouts normalizes digestion, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and immunity and serves as a prevention of many diseases.
It turns out that you can equip your own greenhouse in a plastic bottle, and sprouted seeds will help to improve your health.
Seed sprouting You'll need
Progress of work
Domestic germination It is a useful skill, and it is much easier than growing the same potatoes in the garden. Besides, sprouting Masha will be useful to you in obtaining sprouts of other cultures.
After such simple manipulations, the sprouts can be eaten immediately, or stored in the refrigerator for three days. But sprouted mash is only a small part of the abundance of vitamins that can be cultivated on your windowsill. Buckwheat sprouts are no less useful and grow just as easily.
If you still do not dare to sprout seeds yourself, then rather get acquainted with the ten properties of sprouts. It is safe to say that a more useful type of food can not be found!
In addition, legumes will be a reliable assistant in reducing appetite and maintaining shape.
It is much better to grow beans at home: so you will not only save money, but also do a favor to your body. The use of sprouts normalizes digestion, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and immunity and serves as a prevention of many diseases.

It turns out that you can equip your own greenhouse in a plastic bottle, and sprouted seeds will help to improve your health.
Seed sprouting You'll need
- plastic bottle of 1.5 l
- 100g masha (mung beans)
- water
- stitcher
- sinkhole

Progress of work
- The plastic bottle must be washed.
- Make holes in the bottle with a sharp object. It is important that the holes in diameter do not exceed the size of the beans.
- Wash the beans in the water, get rid of rotten and popped specimens.
- Pour the beans with warm water (mix two glasses of hot water and three glasses of cold), leave for an hour.
- Now you can start growing sprouts directly. Put the beans in the bottle, twist the lid and try to get rid of the remaining water.
- Put the bottle in a dark bag or store it in a dark place. It is important that the bottle is in a horizontal position. 75860
- Every day, wet the beans in water for five minutes, then let the liquid drain and put the bottle back.
- On the fourth day, the sprouts will fill the entire bottle and be ready for consumption. Cut the bottle and extract the germinated seeds.
Domestic germination It is a useful skill, and it is much easier than growing the same potatoes in the garden. Besides, sprouting Masha will be useful to you in obtaining sprouts of other cultures.

After such simple manipulations, the sprouts can be eaten immediately, or stored in the refrigerator for three days. But sprouted mash is only a small part of the abundance of vitamins that can be cultivated on your windowsill. Buckwheat sprouts are no less useful and grow just as easily.
If you still do not dare to sprout seeds yourself, then rather get acquainted with the ten properties of sprouts. It is safe to say that a more useful type of food can not be found!
In addition, legumes will be a reliable assistant in reducing appetite and maintaining shape.