Is it possible to take food from a stranger, answers the witch

Everyone has their own attitude towards the people around them. Someone is used to not trusting a person until certain times or events. And some are ready to share the most intimate with each counter-cross. Here, for example, take nursery, other things and so on. But how do you know who's right?

Of course, in no case should you throw at strangers offering any gifts. It's weird and ugly. But even indiscriminately accepting gifts, especially edible ones, is at least frivolous and dangerous. Who knows what a stranger is thinking? The question is mixed.

We all love our children and worry when they are not at home or in sight. Times are like this, anything can happen. What should be the reaction of an adult if he sees how a stranger approaches his child and tries to treat him to any “delicious”? In general, there may be two options.

If it is an adult man or woman, parents try to protect the baby and in one form or another refuse a stranger. That's okay, there's nothing wrong with that. After all, you do not owe anything to anyone and the unwillingness to accept the treat is a personal matter. But there is another clutter, which is difficult to get rid of a person from the post-Soviet space.

Grandma. Women in years are very often deprived of the attention of their own children and grandchildren, and therefore try to get it, even from unfamiliar children. And these grandmothers are sometimes very difficult to refuse. Some kind of candy, an apple or something like that, soaked out of endless pockets or shopping bags. These are dangerous baby treats.

In this case, parents usually do not go for aggression and accept gifts. That's what it's like to be educated. Unlike Europeans, we respect grandmothers and try not to refuse them. Unfortunately, sometimes it's very in vain.

The fact is that grandmothers, without realizing it themselves, can harm the growing body. Who knows how long the hotel was in the old lady’s pockets? She can't say it herself - she just won't remember. This information is not written on the label. Candy or chocolate. Sometimes they offer an apple or even a cake. Well, at least unhygienic.

Even adults can get hurt. Recently there was a case: one guy helped a stranger to push the car to the gas station. And the guy, let's just say, was a little bit infantile. For his help, a man without a second thought handed him a can of honey. I was just on my way to town for sale. So our hero for a long time did not want to take a treat, but later gave up.

To throw the gift around the corner was somehow un-Christian, and the honey remained with him. A month later, the young man had a desire to eat sweets, which he did with pleasure. And then I remembered where he got that can. The guy went to bed for two days with an upset stomach. Not because of the quality of the product, but because of self-hypnosis. Turns out that happens.

We will try to immediately omit the moment when people share something with others, trying to convey negative energy along with a gift. Not everyone believes this, and there is no official confirmation of such actions. Of course, the donor himself can believe in such things and even very much. But could it really have any negative consequences? It's complicated.

But there are really negative people who can take advantage of the situation. In markets, train stations and other places, such scammers are still found. Stretch some nonsense with the broadest smile of an honest man. They will then ask for a service in return. Beating pity, snoring or whatever. Some people give up and agree...

GettyImages Yes, accepting gifts and treats does not always promise trouble. But things happen in life. Therefore, to protect yourself from all kinds of problems, we advise you to think 100 times whether it is worth it. People, they are different, and you never know what is on the mind of a particular person standing right in front of you. Just think about it.

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