What is useful to the swan

The biggest fear for gardeners is weeds. They fight in all possible ways: dig up the site, use herbicides, block the access of light, burn and even treat with alcohol.

However, with some plants, even such radical methods are powerless. Like a swan. This stubborn plant survives on almost any soil and in any climate. Just get rid of the weed when it comes back to the precinct. Like you can't live without a man.

But the squirrel has been eaten by humans since time immemorial. It is difficult to imagine how many times this weed has saved people from hunger. Common among us swan It is also used for salads and soups. And in the hungry years, they managed to cook porridge and even bake cakes from it.

Useful properties of swans have always been actively used in folk medicine. The plant has the greatest benefit in the period from August to July, when its stems and leaves are harvested. In September, when the seeds are harvested.

The swan contains many nutrients. There was a place for vitamins A, C, E, as well as group B, fiber and antioxidants. Amino acids with proteins are contained in the plant, as well as trace elements like potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. It is no wonder that people have always tried to make the most of this wealth.

It was even believed that one swan can live a lifetime. Plants were often cut still mature, tied in bundles, hung in barns tops upside down, and made paper from below. With ripening, the seeds simply poured out, they could only be swept away and sent for storage.

To get rid of the bitterness, quinoa A couple of hours were soaked in water and then washed. From this product brewed porridge, which can be compared to the taste of buckwheat. Such a dish by folk healers was attributed to problems with the gallbladder, colitis, constipation, diarrhea.

Swan seeds crushed in a coffee grinder were added to soup or baking. And with bronchitis, even a kind of tea was prepared from the plant, which quickly made a painful dry cough productive wet, which helped to heal more quickly.

Due to the content of nutrients, the swan has a good effect on the health of bones, heart and blood vessels, the nervous system. The anthocyanins and carotenoids found in the plant are good for eye health and help prevent early vision loss.

It is worth noting that the swan contains a lot of oxalic acid, which is contraindicated in kidney stones, stones in the gallbladder and gout. In addition, overeating a swan can cause digestive problems, allergies, rashes.

Despite the fact that the swan was eaten by our grandparents, this plant continues to be considered a weed. Although in different countries of the world, the swan is used to prepare baking, salads, soups, side dishes. From the seeds of plants not only cook porridge, but also cook patties.

And most importantly, a young swan will help fill the lack of greenery even in early spring. What to say if the plant is grown on an industrial scale in southern and central Europe.

And here is the business of each individual gardener: to fight the swan with all your strength and ruthlessly throw it into a compost pile or use it. usefulness And save this amazing plant for salad. Although with a swan you can make delicious cakes. Be sure to try our recipe on occasion.

Did you know that the swan is so useful?


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