Signs of good taste
Coco Chanel once said that fashion passes and style remains. Fashion is not feathers and rhinestones, fashion is when the skirt sits well, and pants visually lengthen the legs.
Only someone else from an early age can dress up and accessories, and someone has to use the services of stylists or read and watch a lot of glossy magazines and fashion shows, train caution and copy the images of famous actors and singers.
People with good taste are noticed by everyone, even those with bad taste. Such people want to imitate and be in the circle of their close friends in order to “infect” themselves. styleThe knowledge of beauty and the ability to create it in everyday life.
Sense of Style A to see if people feel that way about you, Editorial "Site" Here is a list of 9 signs that say you have tasteless. For some it is a thorny path of trial and error, and for others it is what is given from birth!
Elegance above the immediate fashion trends. Its basis is a sense of taste and style, moderation, sophistication and commitment to quality. Here are the 7 golden rules of elegance. Learn how to become truly attractive!
Get to know yourself. Study your figure, type, proportions. Buy things not for the sake of things, but for the sake of yourself and emphasizing external advantages. Do you feel like a complicated cut isn't your story? And the rich burgundy color frightens and annoys? Then say no categorically to them. Transparent, too tight, short are also not approved by the rules of good taste.
What about these evaluation criteria? finesse? Do you consider yourself to have good taste? Share your opinion with us in the comments and do not forget to share this article with your friends on social networks!
Only someone else from an early age can dress up and accessories, and someone has to use the services of stylists or read and watch a lot of glossy magazines and fashion shows, train caution and copy the images of famous actors and singers.
People with good taste are noticed by everyone, even those with bad taste. Such people want to imitate and be in the circle of their close friends in order to “infect” themselves. styleThe knowledge of beauty and the ability to create it in everyday life.
Sense of Style A to see if people feel that way about you, Editorial "Site" Here is a list of 9 signs that say you have tasteless. For some it is a thorny path of trial and error, and for others it is what is given from birth!
- You know how to read the actual touches, but you are selective about what really suits you.
- You get compliments all the time, especially women. If you hear regular sincere compliments and praise from different people, do not doubt that you have excellent taste.
- A sense of proportion in everything is one of the main criteria that you are guided by when choosing a fashionable outfit for an evening or a business meeting at work.
- Perhaps you’ve never read Johannes Itten’s books or Leatrice Eisman’s guide to color combinations. But you can intuitively harmonize. colour To the image. For you, the concept of “color harmony” is not an abstraction, but a norm of life.
- How often are you asked to declassify your favorite tailor, stylist, hairdresser or manicure master? If often, you can consider it a compliment to your excellent taste. People want to look as elegant, fashionable and stylish as you. Could something else be the same eloquent sign? tasteful?
- Beautiful or comfortable? Both at once! Wearing comfortable clothes is something that is hard to learn.
- You have your own vision of the image, and you are tactfully able to defend it. No tricks of sales consultants will confuse you!
- You can mix textures, fabrics and prints. People with an innate sense of style do not need to explain that linen is only good with cotton, and silk can be the basis for everything. You just feel that way, and your intuition has never let you down!
- You can be proud of your taste, if you are close, friends or colleagues ask you to stay. stylist And storm the stores with them so you can help them pick out really fancy clothes. Rest assured, a person with bad taste will not be asked to do so! This means that you are already an example of style and an object to follow.
Elegance above the immediate fashion trends. Its basis is a sense of taste and style, moderation, sophistication and commitment to quality. Here are the 7 golden rules of elegance. Learn how to become truly attractive!
Get to know yourself. Study your figure, type, proportions. Buy things not for the sake of things, but for the sake of yourself and emphasizing external advantages. Do you feel like a complicated cut isn't your story? And the rich burgundy color frightens and annoys? Then say no categorically to them. Transparent, too tight, short are also not approved by the rules of good taste.
What about these evaluation criteria? finesse? Do you consider yourself to have good taste? Share your opinion with us in the comments and do not forget to share this article with your friends on social networks!