Unofficial rules that are adopted in the circles of well-educated citizens
It is no secret how a truly educated person should behave. He is polite and compliant, friendly and restrained. And the most important postulate of his life is: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Many people forget this golden law of morality. And quality of education Sometimes they get distorted. By focusing on well-known truths, we forget the important unspoken rules that must be followed. We'll talk about them today.
Famous TV presenter and businesswoman Tina Kandelaki in her last interview said: In the modern media space there are no norms of ethics. With the advent of the Internet, the rules have been blurred.”
And it's hard to disagree with that. After all, very often in real life, people act as they used to behave on the Internet. It can relate to absolutely anything. However, we sincerely believe that nothing is irreversible. Let our today’s collection encourage you to think about this topic.
Unspoken rules of etiquette
Other rules
Editorial Quality of Good Education It's actually very simple. Maybe that's why they're so often forgotten? Complement our collection with a few of your unspoken rules of conduct. We'll be waiting for you in the comments!

Famous TV presenter and businesswoman Tina Kandelaki in her last interview said: In the modern media space there are no norms of ethics. With the advent of the Internet, the rules have been blurred.”
And it's hard to disagree with that. After all, very often in real life, people act as they used to behave on the Internet. It can relate to absolutely anything. However, we sincerely believe that nothing is irreversible. Let our today’s collection encourage you to think about this topic.
Unspoken rules of etiquette
- Return the products if you change your mind about buying them. This item is my pain. I often see dairy products and other products scattered on store shelves. Why don’t customers realize that they can simply get damaged by the wrong storage temperature? In the end, supermarket workers will have to simply write off the product. If I notice this, I try to put food where it should be.
- Do not use the aroma of perfume before a long trip in transport. This applies to aircraft, trains, and a regular minibus, which is poorly ventilated. Some of the passengers may become ill. For example, I easily start to have a headache due to saturated smells. So as much as you love your perfume, stay with it.
- Do not pet another's dog without the owner's permission. Only he knows how a dog can behave in a given situation. Even the sweetest-looking dog can be an introvert in the shower. She won't like a stranger touching her. And in general, petting other animals without demand is strange.
- In the establishment, ask for a separate account, not divide it equally. This rule seems elementary, but not everyone follows it. Pay for the order is equal if everyone ordered dishes for the same amount. If everyone has a different check, it makes sense that everyone pays their order.
- Be respectful of the staff. Neglecting people who abuse you does not make you better than them. Do not forget to say hello to cashiers, sellers or waiters. Thank them and wish them a good day. It's that simple, isn't it?
- Never ask people questions about money. “How much do you earn?” is one of the most insensitive questions. Especially when it comes to talking to a friend. Although, to be honest, even with friends and relatives, it is better not to talk about it again. Of course, if they don't want to.
- Never take the side of a friend when they are fighting. Your position should be neutral. Otherwise, some of your friends might just be offended. If they want the opinion of a disinterested person, you can explain how you see the situation. But to switch to personalities and give the actions of friends a subjective assessment is not worth it.
Other rules
- Politely ask for a seat in the transport if you need it. You do not need to stand over an unhappy man, sighing and burning his eyes. He's not a psychic, and he can't guess that today was the day you had a rough day and you were tired. Yes, of course, I really want the brave guys to be more attentive. But our world is not perfect.
- Respect the personal space of the people around you. If you are standing in line, you do not need to stand next to a person and breathe down the back of his head. And especially not to look at his mobile phone.
- Take care of public places. It does not matter where you are: in a budget hostel or a five-star hotel, on a paid or city beach. When leaving or going home, do not leave garbage behind, do not take disposable slippers and cosmetics from the room. Do not become another personification of a typical tourist from the CIS abroad!
Editorial Quality of Good Education It's actually very simple. Maybe that's why they're so often forgotten? Complement our collection with a few of your unspoken rules of conduct. We'll be waiting for you in the comments!
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