A resident in June waters garlic on a special schedule for large heads, she has her own garlic business
Garlic is one of the most popular crops for growing in the country. No wonder we use this product in many dishes. And the healing properties of garlic are difficult to overestimate. In this article we will tell you what should be garlic in June to get a good and bountiful harvest.
Garlic care June is the period when winter garlic reaches the peak of its growth and begins to release flowernoses. At this time, care is aimed at making the heads increase. There are three main garlic-careWhich should be observed at the beginning of summer.
By mid-June, the shooting of garlic begins. These flower-noses are necessary. remove immediately after appearanceWhile they are still fragile and easily broken. You can cut them neatly. But in no case do not pull the arrow - so you risk to tear the plant from the root. If you remove the arrows in time, the heads of garlic will become large, because the nutrients will not go to the peduncles.
However, it is worth leaving a couple of shooters on the bed. They will give buns to update the garlic, and also tell you that It's time to harvest.. It is better to remove garlic from the bed after the inflorescences open. But before they turn yellow.
In June, when the garlic has already gained a green mass, the stems become thick, with long leaves. In early June, you need to water the beds. copiouslyBy the end of the month, watering should be reduced. In July, they stop it altogether. The frequency of irrigation depends on weather conditions.
If there is a drought in the summer, in early June, garlic should be watered twice a week, and at the end of the month - once a week. In July, if the weather is rainy or two weeks before harvest, garlic. It is important that it does not deteriorate during storage.
The main feeding is usually carried out in early spring and early May. Use nitrogen and complex fertilizers for this. In June, garlic can also be fertilized. Especially if the tips of the leaves They begin to turn yellow before the arrows appear.. In this case, we feed potassium sulfuric acid. A tablespoon of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for 1 square meter of the bed.
After potassium fertilization, the leaves will cease to yellow prematurely and large heads will form. If garlic develops normally, the leaves begin to turn yellow in July. Then comes the period of ripening, and approaches harvesting. Garlic is dug out when the lower leaves turn yellow and there is a mass padding of the top.
Caring for garlic is extremely simple - even beginner summer residents cope. If you follow the basic rules, you will get a good result. We also recommend reading the article on how to properly grow onions in the garden. We wish you good luck and a generous harvest!

Garlic care June is the period when winter garlic reaches the peak of its growth and begins to release flowernoses. At this time, care is aimed at making the heads increase. There are three main garlic-careWhich should be observed at the beginning of summer.

By mid-June, the shooting of garlic begins. These flower-noses are necessary. remove immediately after appearanceWhile they are still fragile and easily broken. You can cut them neatly. But in no case do not pull the arrow - so you risk to tear the plant from the root. If you remove the arrows in time, the heads of garlic will become large, because the nutrients will not go to the peduncles.

However, it is worth leaving a couple of shooters on the bed. They will give buns to update the garlic, and also tell you that It's time to harvest.. It is better to remove garlic from the bed after the inflorescences open. But before they turn yellow.
In June, when the garlic has already gained a green mass, the stems become thick, with long leaves. In early June, you need to water the beds. copiouslyBy the end of the month, watering should be reduced. In July, they stop it altogether. The frequency of irrigation depends on weather conditions.

If there is a drought in the summer, in early June, garlic should be watered twice a week, and at the end of the month - once a week. In July, if the weather is rainy or two weeks before harvest, garlic. It is important that it does not deteriorate during storage.
The main feeding is usually carried out in early spring and early May. Use nitrogen and complex fertilizers for this. In June, garlic can also be fertilized. Especially if the tips of the leaves They begin to turn yellow before the arrows appear.. In this case, we feed potassium sulfuric acid. A tablespoon of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for 1 square meter of the bed.

After potassium fertilization, the leaves will cease to yellow prematurely and large heads will form. If garlic develops normally, the leaves begin to turn yellow in July. Then comes the period of ripening, and approaches harvesting. Garlic is dug out when the lower leaves turn yellow and there is a mass padding of the top.

Caring for garlic is extremely simple - even beginner summer residents cope. If you follow the basic rules, you will get a good result. We also recommend reading the article on how to properly grow onions in the garden. We wish you good luck and a generous harvest!
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