What school safety rules should be followed after quarantine
After the upheavals we have endured in recent months, as well as a protracted regime of self-isolation, many things will have to be rethought. It is unlikely that we will be able to treat our own safety with the same carelessness. The same will apply to children. Surely. school safety rules They'll get tougher too. At least at first.
What will the school look like after quarantine? What should students and their parents do? It is enough to look at countries that have already returned to relatively normal life. The measures taken there will be implemented in our country to some extent.
China was the first to face a global problem, but was able to cope thanks to rapid measures and amazing discipline. The path of local schoolchildren to knowledge now lies through the thermometer and disinfection of the backpack.
Distance has become a mandatory rule. Younger students were even equipped with special hats, which always remind of a safe distance. But more importantly, these guys understand their responsibility and don't get close to each other.
Even high school students were seated one at a time. So and get infected less likely, and write off each other will not. Control the distance between the tables exceeds 1 meter. Moreover, up to 15 people are allowed to stay in one class at the same time.
China’s experience is sure to be useful for other countries, because about 170 million schoolchildren and students studied remotely during the quarantine. Schools opened only a few months after the epidemic ended.
More and more European countries (Germany, Austria, France, Belgium) resume full-time education in schools. However, first of all, this opportunity appears for junior classes or those who will soon have to pass exams. However, the Netherlands, for example, will resume training only in June, and Italy – in September.
Russia has already compiled a list of recommendations that will affect school life. For the sake of safety, each class is going to secure a separate room, as well as develop an individual schedule.
Even the first lesson will be different for each class. Changes will also be scheduled for different times, so that students of different classes do not intersect during breaks and walks.
Any groupings of students from different classes will also be cancelled. General school holidays, as well as traditional mass events in assembly halls, will disappear indefinitely. They plan to add lessons in hygiene education. Make sure that students and staff wash their hands.
Exams and final certification will be carried out only after general cleaning and disinfection are carried out in the premises. The temperature will be measured at the entrance. They also promised to provide school staff with gloves. Mandatory distance will be at least one and a half meters.
As you can see, after the completion of self-isolation, the tests will not end. We'll have to get used to it. new rules In society, stay away from each other. This is sure to be a difficult experience. We can only hope that all these restrictions are temporary, which means that they will soon disappear.
What will the school look like after quarantine? What should students and their parents do? It is enough to look at countries that have already returned to relatively normal life. The measures taken there will be implemented in our country to some extent.
China was the first to face a global problem, but was able to cope thanks to rapid measures and amazing discipline. The path of local schoolchildren to knowledge now lies through the thermometer and disinfection of the backpack.
Distance has become a mandatory rule. Younger students were even equipped with special hats, which always remind of a safe distance. But more importantly, these guys understand their responsibility and don't get close to each other.
Even high school students were seated one at a time. So and get infected less likely, and write off each other will not. Control the distance between the tables exceeds 1 meter. Moreover, up to 15 people are allowed to stay in one class at the same time.
China’s experience is sure to be useful for other countries, because about 170 million schoolchildren and students studied remotely during the quarantine. Schools opened only a few months after the epidemic ended.
More and more European countries (Germany, Austria, France, Belgium) resume full-time education in schools. However, first of all, this opportunity appears for junior classes or those who will soon have to pass exams. However, the Netherlands, for example, will resume training only in June, and Italy – in September.
Russia has already compiled a list of recommendations that will affect school life. For the sake of safety, each class is going to secure a separate room, as well as develop an individual schedule.
Even the first lesson will be different for each class. Changes will also be scheduled for different times, so that students of different classes do not intersect during breaks and walks.
Any groupings of students from different classes will also be cancelled. General school holidays, as well as traditional mass events in assembly halls, will disappear indefinitely. They plan to add lessons in hygiene education. Make sure that students and staff wash their hands.
Exams and final certification will be carried out only after general cleaning and disinfection are carried out in the premises. The temperature will be measured at the entrance. They also promised to provide school staff with gloves. Mandatory distance will be at least one and a half meters.
As you can see, after the completion of self-isolation, the tests will not end. We'll have to get used to it. new rules In society, stay away from each other. This is sure to be a difficult experience. We can only hope that all these restrictions are temporary, which means that they will soon disappear.