Why send a ball of thread into the washing machine
According to statistics, 2 kilograms of dirty laundry account for an average of 40 to 80 grams of both soluble and insoluble water pollution of various compositions. The quality of the wash depends on how much of it is removed from the surface of the fabric.
Modern washing machines are constantly being improved. Manufacturers are adding new technologies and washing modes, but old grandmother's secrets still do not give up their positions and can also play a role in the battle for cleanliness.
For example, why put thread in the washing machine? You don't know? And by the way, this is an old and quite useful way, which we will tell you more about below. Here we go!
Why put a ball of thread in the washing machine Take some old tangles of thread that are not sorry. To help us with laundry, they must be wool. Make them tight tangles. They are so tight that they do not disintegrate during the washing process.
Put each tangle in a capron stocking or in old tights. Tighten the edges of the stocking with threads so that the ball is fixed inside very firmly. What's that for?
It turns out a homemade analog of washing balls. In the process of rotating the drum of the washing machine, it will hit the surface of the clothes, knocking out dirt from it and not allowing the linen to stick together when the drum is fully loaded.
Sometimes tennis balls are used for this purpose (especially for washing down jackets). But balls of thread have their own special advantages. In the process of washing, they like a magnet attract a lot of villi and other small debris, and also make underwear softer.
In addition, before wrapping the ball in a stocking, you can drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil into it. This way you will give the washed things aroma without using air conditioning for laundry.
As you can see, the quality of washing depends not only on the washing machine. And despite the fact that hand washing clothes becomes an echo of the past, do not forget about the little grandmother’s secrets.

Modern washing machines are constantly being improved. Manufacturers are adding new technologies and washing modes, but old grandmother's secrets still do not give up their positions and can also play a role in the battle for cleanliness.

For example, why put thread in the washing machine? You don't know? And by the way, this is an old and quite useful way, which we will tell you more about below. Here we go!
Why put a ball of thread in the washing machine Take some old tangles of thread that are not sorry. To help us with laundry, they must be wool. Make them tight tangles. They are so tight that they do not disintegrate during the washing process.

Put each tangle in a capron stocking or in old tights. Tighten the edges of the stocking with threads so that the ball is fixed inside very firmly. What's that for?

It turns out a homemade analog of washing balls. In the process of rotating the drum of the washing machine, it will hit the surface of the clothes, knocking out dirt from it and not allowing the linen to stick together when the drum is fully loaded.

Sometimes tennis balls are used for this purpose (especially for washing down jackets). But balls of thread have their own special advantages. In the process of washing, they like a magnet attract a lot of villi and other small debris, and also make underwear softer.

In addition, before wrapping the ball in a stocking, you can drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil into it. This way you will give the washed things aroma without using air conditioning for laundry.

As you can see, the quality of washing depends not only on the washing machine. And despite the fact that hand washing clothes becomes an echo of the past, do not forget about the little grandmother’s secrets.
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