Saving quotes of the granddaughter of Vladimir Bekhterev
The abundance of not the most rosy news in the world is off the scale. After watching the news feed in the morning, you just want to close in your apartment for 10 locks and not show up anywhere. The year 2020 is still full of events. But how to survive this stormy stream of news and not make money distress?
Editorial "Site" I am seriously concerned about this topic. How to get rid of feelings of anxiety and emotional burnout? Well, let's work it out together!
Emotional Disorder Turns Out That emotionless can lead to disruption of the brain. Many scientific works were devoted to this topic, and Natalia Bekhtereva made a special contribution to its development. A well-known Russian neurophysiologist has devoted many years of her life to this problem. As a result, the professor highlighted several important points that are worth paying attention to.
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“Old age doesn’t exist until you want it.” Today, July 7, 96 years ago, was born an outstanding neuroscientist and an incredible woman, a person who I even remotely want to be like. Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva! A scientist with a difficult fate, who felt all the hardships of Soviet power, Natalia Petrovna was open to everything new. It helped her to make many discoveries, including the ones I use now. She developed a technique for long-term implantation of electrodes in the brain for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Created and confirmed the theory of the principles of brain activity in normal and pathologies. Discovered the property of neurons to respond to the semantic content of speech. And that’s just a small part of all of his accomplishments! I am very proud to work at the Human Brain Institute, which bears the name of Bekhtereva and walks the same corridors as her. I often pass by her office, which has now become a museum, and I do not leave the feeling that this is not a memorial room, but a place that has been left for a short time, but where the hostess will definitely return and continue her work. Territorially, the N. P. Bekhtereva IMC is close to the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Natalia Petrovna often worked there and even came to the laboratory, where they developed a method of treating the nervous system by listening to the musical display of the brain. From the memories of these meetings, told to me by the founders of the method and my teachers, it was clear that Natalia Petrovna predicted a great future for the method. Let’s hope that will happen! #Bechtereva #IMCHRAN #brain › #stereotaxis #radistKat #neurophysiology #neurophysiology #NataliaPetrovnaBekhtereva #residency #bioacoustic correction
A post shared by Radioman Cat (@medic.cat) on Jul 7, 2020 at 3:24am PDT
How to control your emotions to control your emotions You need to train your exposure. In this matter, it helps situations in which you are faced with a choice. You need to know what you are willing to do for a purpose. It is also important to be aware of all possible risks. This applies to absolutely any sphere of life: “A well-bred balance of emotions, reasonable pride and perseverance are the most important conditions for the full realization of talent.”
The professor is sure there are always two choices. One leads to development and self-realization, the other to regression. Choosing the second, you will begin to feel sorry for yourself, succumbing to your feelings. Therefore, it is very important not to restrain your emotions, but to control them. To learn how to do that, Avoid emotional overload and stressful situations. Don’t cut off your shoulder, but always think about your decisions. And remember that any problem can be viewed from a different angle.
How to improve the emotional state “With emotional disorders, walks, various kinds of motor activity are very good. What can swimming, movement in water do to a person? After water procedures, you become just a different person, Bekhtereva said. Agree, there is definitely something in this. It is not for nothing that I want to take a shower in the morning to cheer up and wake up. In fact, it can be called unconsciousness.
Water really has a powerful power. First of all, she's capable. cleanse the emotional background of a person. Secondly, water relieves tension and relaxes. Water and emotions interact with each other. For example, the contrast of water temperature favorably affects our nervous system, training it.
Studying the work of the brain, Natalia Petrovna came to the conclusion: “The brain itself builds a defense against a flurry of negative emotions that forever threaten to overwhelm it.” In other words, we just need to direct our thought flow in the right direction. resist emotional storms. The professor is sure that emotional distress sooner or later will lead to physical. Therefore, the woman always focused on reasonable physical activity and keeping herself in good shape.
In addition, academician Bekhtereva was confident in the creative potential of each person. But, unfortunately, not everyone reveals it fully. And that's very important. Emotional balance“If people were healthy and, let’s say, less often overwhelmed or overexcited by problems, humanity’s creative potential would increase significantly.”
Dear reader, to Your emotional distress didn’t take you by surprise.Don't stop working on yourself. We are all in an endless stream of information. Therefore, it is very important to protect yourself from negativity by focusing on more important things.
Move more, spend time in the fresh air, do creativity and train exposure. Remember that your priorities depend on the right ones. emotional healthWe fight with life, think that we will get a prize, buy an apartment, a car, win a position - and then we will be satisfied.
But will it be and will it be necessary for happiness?

Editorial "Site" I am seriously concerned about this topic. How to get rid of feelings of anxiety and emotional burnout? Well, let's work it out together!
Emotional Disorder Turns Out That emotionless can lead to disruption of the brain. Many scientific works were devoted to this topic, and Natalia Bekhtereva made a special contribution to its development. A well-known Russian neurophysiologist has devoted many years of her life to this problem. As a result, the professor highlighted several important points that are worth paying attention to.
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“Old age doesn’t exist until you want it.” Today, July 7, 96 years ago, was born an outstanding neuroscientist and an incredible woman, a person who I even remotely want to be like. Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva! A scientist with a difficult fate, who felt all the hardships of Soviet power, Natalia Petrovna was open to everything new. It helped her to make many discoveries, including the ones I use now. She developed a technique for long-term implantation of electrodes in the brain for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Created and confirmed the theory of the principles of brain activity in normal and pathologies. Discovered the property of neurons to respond to the semantic content of speech. And that’s just a small part of all of his accomplishments! I am very proud to work at the Human Brain Institute, which bears the name of Bekhtereva and walks the same corridors as her. I often pass by her office, which has now become a museum, and I do not leave the feeling that this is not a memorial room, but a place that has been left for a short time, but where the hostess will definitely return and continue her work. Territorially, the N. P. Bekhtereva IMC is close to the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Natalia Petrovna often worked there and even came to the laboratory, where they developed a method of treating the nervous system by listening to the musical display of the brain. From the memories of these meetings, told to me by the founders of the method and my teachers, it was clear that Natalia Petrovna predicted a great future for the method. Let’s hope that will happen! #Bechtereva #IMCHRAN #brain › #stereotaxis #radistKat #neurophysiology #neurophysiology #NataliaPetrovnaBekhtereva #residency #bioacoustic correction
A post shared by Radioman Cat (@medic.cat) on Jul 7, 2020 at 3:24am PDT
How to control your emotions to control your emotions You need to train your exposure. In this matter, it helps situations in which you are faced with a choice. You need to know what you are willing to do for a purpose. It is also important to be aware of all possible risks. This applies to absolutely any sphere of life: “A well-bred balance of emotions, reasonable pride and perseverance are the most important conditions for the full realization of talent.”

The professor is sure there are always two choices. One leads to development and self-realization, the other to regression. Choosing the second, you will begin to feel sorry for yourself, succumbing to your feelings. Therefore, it is very important not to restrain your emotions, but to control them. To learn how to do that, Avoid emotional overload and stressful situations. Don’t cut off your shoulder, but always think about your decisions. And remember that any problem can be viewed from a different angle.
How to improve the emotional state “With emotional disorders, walks, various kinds of motor activity are very good. What can swimming, movement in water do to a person? After water procedures, you become just a different person, Bekhtereva said. Agree, there is definitely something in this. It is not for nothing that I want to take a shower in the morning to cheer up and wake up. In fact, it can be called unconsciousness.

Water really has a powerful power. First of all, she's capable. cleanse the emotional background of a person. Secondly, water relieves tension and relaxes. Water and emotions interact with each other. For example, the contrast of water temperature favorably affects our nervous system, training it.

Studying the work of the brain, Natalia Petrovna came to the conclusion: “The brain itself builds a defense against a flurry of negative emotions that forever threaten to overwhelm it.” In other words, we just need to direct our thought flow in the right direction. resist emotional storms. The professor is sure that emotional distress sooner or later will lead to physical. Therefore, the woman always focused on reasonable physical activity and keeping herself in good shape.

In addition, academician Bekhtereva was confident in the creative potential of each person. But, unfortunately, not everyone reveals it fully. And that's very important. Emotional balance“If people were healthy and, let’s say, less often overwhelmed or overexcited by problems, humanity’s creative potential would increase significantly.”

Dear reader, to Your emotional distress didn’t take you by surprise.Don't stop working on yourself. We are all in an endless stream of information. Therefore, it is very important to protect yourself from negativity by focusing on more important things.
Move more, spend time in the fresh air, do creativity and train exposure. Remember that your priorities depend on the right ones. emotional healthWe fight with life, think that we will get a prize, buy an apartment, a car, win a position - and then we will be satisfied.
But will it be and will it be necessary for happiness?
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It is a good story for those who do too much for others, forgetting about themselves.