The Hug Tunnel That Laughs Coronavirus Right in the Face
People who survived COVID-19 know exactly how long it is. separation. Some were more fortunate, and the disease proceeded quickly. And someone spent several weeks in the hospital under the close supervision of doctors. But how not to go crazy with loneliness? And what if an elderly person is locked up, still sitting in isolation? Inventive people have found a way out! We'll talk about that later.
GettyImages Meeting after separation In one Belgian nursing home set fixture. During a period of severe quarantine restrictions, it allowed people to see their elderly loved ones. So how does this work? To be honest, the design looks quite simple, and this is its main advantage.
GettyImages In front of the entrance to the building is an iron frame with a roof. Nursing home workers pulled a tight film along the frame. And they put the same film in front, but with special inserts for human hands. Thanks to them, people who have not seen each other for a long time can hug without endangering each other.
The placement of the so-called “false” hands is so thought out that an elderly person can not so much stand, but also sit while he is hugged. This seemingly small thing allows even the weakest grandparents to see their relatives and friends.
Belgian know-how became known as “hug curtain”, which in Russian means “curtain for hugs”. The device caused a furor among the elderly and their loved ones. Moreover, some of them cried when they were able to hug their loved ones for the first time after months of separation.
GettyImages Nursing Home workers treat curtain with antiseptic after each new visitor. Of course, in a pandemic, this is necessary to protect the elderly and their families.
GettyImages Similar curtains for hugging began to appear in other countries. For example, in the UK, a woman did something similar with her own hands. So for the first time in 3 months, she was able to see and hug her daughter, who has asthma and is in self-isolation with her grandmother.
In addition, a plastic curtain appeared in nursing homes in Brazil. The idea itself soon began to be modified. For example, in Spain there were plastic screens. They work just like curtains.
An unusual plastic curtain for hugs once again proves: everything is brilliantly simple. Perhaps if this device is made safer, it could one day be used in hospitals. After all, many people with coronavirus have to be alone for a long time. And the lack of physical contact with loved ones further undermines already shattered mental health.
GettyImages If you are having a hard time right now, we wish you patience and endurance. Let me. meeting after separation with loved ones It will come as soon as possible and bring only tears of joy. Take care!
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GettyImages Meeting after separation In one Belgian nursing home set fixture. During a period of severe quarantine restrictions, it allowed people to see their elderly loved ones. So how does this work? To be honest, the design looks quite simple, and this is its main advantage.

GettyImages In front of the entrance to the building is an iron frame with a roof. Nursing home workers pulled a tight film along the frame. And they put the same film in front, but with special inserts for human hands. Thanks to them, people who have not seen each other for a long time can hug without endangering each other.
The placement of the so-called “false” hands is so thought out that an elderly person can not so much stand, but also sit while he is hugged. This seemingly small thing allows even the weakest grandparents to see their relatives and friends.

Belgian know-how became known as “hug curtain”, which in Russian means “curtain for hugs”. The device caused a furor among the elderly and their loved ones. Moreover, some of them cried when they were able to hug their loved ones for the first time after months of separation.

GettyImages Nursing Home workers treat curtain with antiseptic after each new visitor. Of course, in a pandemic, this is necessary to protect the elderly and their families.

GettyImages Similar curtains for hugging began to appear in other countries. For example, in the UK, a woman did something similar with her own hands. So for the first time in 3 months, she was able to see and hug her daughter, who has asthma and is in self-isolation with her grandmother.
In addition, a plastic curtain appeared in nursing homes in Brazil. The idea itself soon began to be modified. For example, in Spain there were plastic screens. They work just like curtains.
An unusual plastic curtain for hugs once again proves: everything is brilliantly simple. Perhaps if this device is made safer, it could one day be used in hospitals. After all, many people with coronavirus have to be alone for a long time. And the lack of physical contact with loved ones further undermines already shattered mental health.

GettyImages If you are having a hard time right now, we wish you patience and endurance. Let me. meeting after separation with loved ones It will come as soon as possible and bring only tears of joy. Take care!
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