Is it true that Wuhan returned to normal life after the pandemic, and what is happening there?
While a pandemic is raging in the world, cityWhere it all began, gradually came to a stable, calm flow of time. How has Chinese life changed over the past year and are the locals afraid of the second wave of coronavirus?
GettyImages The answers to these questions we found on the educational site "Medusa". And now we can't wait to share our fascinating findings with you. It'll be interesting!
The city of Wuhan was the first in the world to close for severe quarantine. Everything was so serious that people were not allowed to leave their apartments. For some time, the government divided and divided essential between residents. And then the packages were sent to people.
However, this system has been replaced by street-shopping. In this mode, the city lasted until April. Wuhan people say that the state of complete blockage has led to serious problems, mainly related to psychological health.
GettyImages For example, local resident Gigi Yu told how difficult it was at the time: It was like depression. I cried in my room all the time, I couldn’t meet my friends. Since the DJ girl could no longer work in clubs, she had to live on deposit money.
Blogger Daria Kuznetsova, who lives in Wuhan, notes: This year we didn’t have seasons. Everything merged into one endless series of events. And the most important, almost a holiday, was the opening of the city in early summer.
Due to quarantine restrictions, the girl was unable to visit relatives and friends in Russia. Daria thanked her Chinese friends for their help. Despite months of imprisonment, she did not feel alone.
How life changed after quarantine Coronavirus divided life in the city of Wuhan into “before” and “after”. The locals are now spending less time in crowded. Businessman Peter Bernota says: We almost never go to cafes and restaurants. The wife has improved her cooking skills, and now we most often eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with the family.”
When the quarantine is over, many firms and companies are still a long time away. remotely. To return to the usual office routine, all employees were required to take a test for coronavirus. Interesting fact, by the way. During the strict quarantine, the entire population of the city passed mandatory testing.
All premises now. systematically disinfected. In addition, the masked regime has not gone anywhere. And when entering shopping centers and public transport, people must measure the temperature.
GettyImages The rest of the city has returned to its usual way of life. Traffic jams are again on the roads, factories and other enterprises have resumed their work. This means that the level of air pollution increases again. With small steps, Wuhan returns to modernization and development in all spheres.
Will it happen again? Neither local authorities nor residents of Wuhan believe that the coronavirus situation can be repeated on the same scale. World news on this issue ceased to be the focus of attention for Wuhan. And this is not surprising, because the government is doing everything to nip in the bud any virus.
GettyImages If at least one of the people gets sick, the city authorities immediately monitor all contacts of the person. This is possible thanks to a well-established throughput system. It is designed to record the movement of people. The leadership response is so lightning fast that the coronavirus simply has no chance of spreading further.
It also plays a huge role in this. High level of awareness of citizens. They all adhere to the rules established in the city. Mask regime has long been the norm, with which no one argues. After all, everyone understands what can lead to non-compliance with such simple restrictions.
GettyImages wants to believe that the situation around the world will soon improve. However, do not forget that it also depends on us. You can complain endlessly about the state in which you live, but this will not help protect yourself from COVID-19 and other diseases that have not gone away.
Therefore, in the cold season, it is more important than ever to strengthen your immunity. We wish you good health from the entire editorial board, take care of yourself!
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GettyImages The answers to these questions we found on the educational site "Medusa". And now we can't wait to share our fascinating findings with you. It'll be interesting!
The city of Wuhan was the first in the world to close for severe quarantine. Everything was so serious that people were not allowed to leave their apartments. For some time, the government divided and divided essential between residents. And then the packages were sent to people.
However, this system has been replaced by street-shopping. In this mode, the city lasted until April. Wuhan people say that the state of complete blockage has led to serious problems, mainly related to psychological health.

GettyImages For example, local resident Gigi Yu told how difficult it was at the time: It was like depression. I cried in my room all the time, I couldn’t meet my friends. Since the DJ girl could no longer work in clubs, she had to live on deposit money.
Blogger Daria Kuznetsova, who lives in Wuhan, notes: This year we didn’t have seasons. Everything merged into one endless series of events. And the most important, almost a holiday, was the opening of the city in early summer.

Due to quarantine restrictions, the girl was unable to visit relatives and friends in Russia. Daria thanked her Chinese friends for their help. Despite months of imprisonment, she did not feel alone.
How life changed after quarantine Coronavirus divided life in the city of Wuhan into “before” and “after”. The locals are now spending less time in crowded. Businessman Peter Bernota says: We almost never go to cafes and restaurants. The wife has improved her cooking skills, and now we most often eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with the family.”

When the quarantine is over, many firms and companies are still a long time away. remotely. To return to the usual office routine, all employees were required to take a test for coronavirus. Interesting fact, by the way. During the strict quarantine, the entire population of the city passed mandatory testing.
All premises now. systematically disinfected. In addition, the masked regime has not gone anywhere. And when entering shopping centers and public transport, people must measure the temperature.

GettyImages The rest of the city has returned to its usual way of life. Traffic jams are again on the roads, factories and other enterprises have resumed their work. This means that the level of air pollution increases again. With small steps, Wuhan returns to modernization and development in all spheres.
Will it happen again? Neither local authorities nor residents of Wuhan believe that the coronavirus situation can be repeated on the same scale. World news on this issue ceased to be the focus of attention for Wuhan. And this is not surprising, because the government is doing everything to nip in the bud any virus.

GettyImages If at least one of the people gets sick, the city authorities immediately monitor all contacts of the person. This is possible thanks to a well-established throughput system. It is designed to record the movement of people. The leadership response is so lightning fast that the coronavirus simply has no chance of spreading further.
It also plays a huge role in this. High level of awareness of citizens. They all adhere to the rules established in the city. Mask regime has long been the norm, with which no one argues. After all, everyone understands what can lead to non-compliance with such simple restrictions.

GettyImages wants to believe that the situation around the world will soon improve. However, do not forget that it also depends on us. You can complain endlessly about the state in which you live, but this will not help protect yourself from COVID-19 and other diseases that have not gone away.
Therefore, in the cold season, it is more important than ever to strengthen your immunity. We wish you good health from the entire editorial board, take care of yourself!
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