Reasons to continue living when you start giving up and age takes its toll
Human life expectancy in developed countries has almost doubled in the last 100 years. Thanks to the development of medicine, a modern person can live up to 100 years. But the longer a person lives, the more he thinks about what components of the meaning of life motivate him to live for decades. This is often difficult, and you need to pay attention to psychological health.
When a person has lived most of his life, raised children and grandchildren, loneliness creeps up on him. As a result, many older people do not see the point of living. This is very sad, because they consider themselves a burden to children. But there are also old people who, as much as they can, always take care of their relatives. In any case, it is important that there is a friendly relationship between relatives. Then no one will be alone, and the support of relatives in old age plays an important role.
A lot depends on the person, his worldview and self-sufficiency. But with age, there are several general criteria that do not improve mood. No matter how strong the medicine, the human body wears out, every year you need to take care of yourself more and more. There is endless fatigue, this and the mood spoils. Some may be in their 60s and others in their 90s.
When the children were young, all the energy went to their education. When do you think about the meaning of life? Adult children become independent, and at the age of 50-60, and this is not old age, you begin to rethink your life. Finally, there is time for what you really want. But there's another problem. After retirement, you have to think about part-time work, because not everyone has enough money for existence.
Work takes most of a person’s time. In adulthood, a person has time to finally put his thoughts in order. That’s why many livers say that life is just beginning at 50, and that’s true. Finally, you can spend hours reading your favorite books, devoting yourself to painting or yoga. Anything.
The main thing is that at the moment when interest in life disappears, find an outlet. If depression is approaching, you need to consult a psychologist. Don't be offended by children who don't call as often as you'd like. Talk out, find a solution and avoid discouragement will help light physical activity: walking, cycling, yoga. Doing what you really like, you will definitely find like-minded people and will never be alone.
There are so many beautiful and unknown things in life! Isn’t that a reason to develop your knowledge? Travel, make new acquaintances, the age barrier is only in your head. Think not of loneliness, but of the freedom and opportunities that are given to you. Then you will understand what the meaning of life is for you. Be healthy, never despair and try to find positive sides in everything.
When a person has lived most of his life, raised children and grandchildren, loneliness creeps up on him. As a result, many older people do not see the point of living. This is very sad, because they consider themselves a burden to children. But there are also old people who, as much as they can, always take care of their relatives. In any case, it is important that there is a friendly relationship between relatives. Then no one will be alone, and the support of relatives in old age plays an important role.
A lot depends on the person, his worldview and self-sufficiency. But with age, there are several general criteria that do not improve mood. No matter how strong the medicine, the human body wears out, every year you need to take care of yourself more and more. There is endless fatigue, this and the mood spoils. Some may be in their 60s and others in their 90s.
When the children were young, all the energy went to their education. When do you think about the meaning of life? Adult children become independent, and at the age of 50-60, and this is not old age, you begin to rethink your life. Finally, there is time for what you really want. But there's another problem. After retirement, you have to think about part-time work, because not everyone has enough money for existence.
Work takes most of a person’s time. In adulthood, a person has time to finally put his thoughts in order. That’s why many livers say that life is just beginning at 50, and that’s true. Finally, you can spend hours reading your favorite books, devoting yourself to painting or yoga. Anything.
The main thing is that at the moment when interest in life disappears, find an outlet. If depression is approaching, you need to consult a psychologist. Don't be offended by children who don't call as often as you'd like. Talk out, find a solution and avoid discouragement will help light physical activity: walking, cycling, yoga. Doing what you really like, you will definitely find like-minded people and will never be alone.
There are so many beautiful and unknown things in life! Isn’t that a reason to develop your knowledge? Travel, make new acquaintances, the age barrier is only in your head. Think not of loneliness, but of the freedom and opportunities that are given to you. Then you will understand what the meaning of life is for you. Be healthy, never despair and try to find positive sides in everything.
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